West Lothian school pupils get a taste of movie business with first film project

Students from S3 to S6  at St Margaret's worked on the  Film in a Year pilot project with the Scottish Youth Film Foundation
Students from S3 to S6 at St Margaret's worked on the Film in a Year pilot project with the Scottish Youth Film Foundation -Credit:West Lothian Council

Burnt Spaghetti may not sound appetising but at one Livingston school it has given pupils a taste of potential future careers.

It’s the title of a short film scripted and shot by pupils at St Margaret’s Academy.

Pupils have just “ wrapped”, as they say in the business, on their first ever Film in a Year project with the help of the Scottish Youth Film Foundation. It’s a first for both the school and the foundation.

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Film in a Year runs in a similar way to a school play or musical, with pupils and teachers from various departments getting involved, lending their expertise, learning new things and creating a school-wide collaboration throughout the year.

This project gives secondary school pupils the opportunity to create a film as well as undertake all of the aspects of a film-making project from acting, scriptwriting, producing and directing.

Speaking at recent local area committees in the town headteacher Isla Wright said the school had been selected as the pilot school for the Scottish Youth Film Foundation project.

She added: "A team of of young people develop and create their own film and undertake all of the roles involved in the film making process.

"This is their own work supported by school staff and I have to say it has been a really exciting opportunity for providing pathways into the creative arts which can sometimes be seen as something that young people cannot get into, or it's very difficult and challenging . So we are opening that gateway working with the Scottish Film Foundation.

"When we have out premier in a few weeks time I would welcome everyone in the chamber to come along and see the finished product its absolutely fantastic."

A spokesperson for the school said “St Margaret’s Academy is the first West Lothian school to take part in this initiative and our young people have thoroughly enjoyed the process.

“Working closely with English and Media Studies teacher Louise Sedgewick pupils have developed a range of practical skills related to film and media.”

Pupils are also tasked with marketing, advertising and all aspects of business as part of the project.

The Scottish Youth Film Foundation added on social media : “The shoot week was a culmination of the hard work of the production team of around 20 young people, from S3 to S6.

“Their fantastic sense of teamwork, enthusiasm and willingness to try new things really shone through and we can’t wait to see the film on the big screen once it’s edited.

“Huge thanks to the staff at St. Margaret’s Academy, your support and enthusiasm has been invaluable and the whole project has been a joy to work on!”

The school’s Facebook page noted last month: “It was the final day of filming today for our Film In A Year project and it was a pretty cold and soggy one.

“Our team powered on through with smiles on their faces. The pupils involved have been absolutely fantastic. Well done to everyone involved. Now it's time for post production”

Final editing work on Burnt Spaghetti is now under way in the school and the finished product will be screened at school before the end of term.

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