West Midlands' cheapest and most expensive areas to rent in 2024

On average, rent prices have risen by almost 9% over 12 months
-Credit: (Image: BPM)

The cheapest and most expensive areas of the West Midlands to rent a property have been revealed. Average rents price rose by 8.9 per cent over 12 months from 2023 to 2024.

The research was put together by BLG Development Finance and Online Marketing Surgery as part of their Rent Report. A spokesperson for the study said: "With constant inflation rises, the opportunity for first time buyers to get a mortgage offer that is affordable and reasonable is very difficult.

"This is leaving people turning to the rent market for property." In May 2023, the average rental was £712 but it rose to £776 in May this year.

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Only two places in the West Midlands were cheaper to rent than the national average - Dudley and Wolverhampton. Dudley was the cheapest area overall, where the average rent price was £761 per month.

The most expensive was Solihull, where average rent stood at £1,154. Properties in Solihull were 51 per cent more expensive to rent than in Dudley on average.

Average West Midlands rent price, from January to May 2024.