West Northamptonshire Council announces cabinet reshuffle after new leader takes control

The Guildhall, Northampton, home to West Northamptonshire Council.
The Guildhall, Northampton, home to West Northamptonshire Council. -Credit:Nadia Lincoln LDRS

West Northamptonshire Council (WNC) has announced changes to its cabinet after Cllr Adam Brown was boosted up to council leader, following the resignation of Jonathan Nunn.

The alterations to the cabinet will be in place from today (Wednesday, May 8). The portfolio holders for this year will be confirmed at the council's annual meeting held next week on Thursday, May 16.

At the meeting, the new leader and deputy will also be put forward to be voted on by all parties. The council will also receive notification of cabinet posts for 2024/25, as well as all other committee memberships.

Cllr Adam Brown has stepped up to take on the top position of leader, leaving behind his previous role as deputy and cabinet member for housing. His promotion comes after Cllr Jonathan Nunn was forced to resign in April after multiple women came forward to raise allegations of domestic abuse.

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Mr Nunn said at the time that he "strenuously denies" the claims made against him. He has since quit the Conservative group and will sit as an independent member while investigations take place.

Chairman of South Northants Conservatives, Simon Clifford, said the association supports the whip being suspended and agrees with the calls from MP Andrea Leadsom to follow best practice principles set out by Parliament.

Cllr Matt Golby, cabinet member for adult care, public health & regulatory services, was voted to fill in as the second in command. Cllr Golby was the former leader of the now-defunct Northamptonshire County Council which collapsed into bankruptcy in 2018.

A new member will also be welcomed onto the leadership team, as Cllr Rosie Herring is set to take on the role of cabinet member for housing. The rest of the councillors making up the ten-person cabinet have remained the same.

Proposed cabinet reshuffle

Cllr Adam Brown (leader) - cabinet member for strategy

Cllr Matt Golby (deputy) - cabinet member for adult care, public health & regulatory services

Cllr Malcolm Longley - cabinet member for finance

Cllr Dan Lister - cabinet member for local economy, culture & leisure

Cllr Phil Laratt - cabinet member for highways & transport

Cllr David Smith - cabinet member for planning & communities

Cllr Rebecca Breese - cabinet member for environment, recycling & waste

Cllr Rosie Herring (new) - cabinet member for housing

Cllr Mike Hallam - cabinet member for HR & corporate services

Cllr Fiona Baker - cabinet member for children, families & education