What's the best country pub in Nottinghamshire? Tell us your favourite

Empty pint glasses sit on the top of beer pumps
What's the best country pub in Nottinghamshire? -Credit:Getty Images

What would your local area be without the country pub? The place that’s been around for decades, maybe even hundreds of years. Passed down through generations of the same family.

Here at Nottinghamshire Live we’re looking for the best country pub in the region, and we need your help. Maybe it’s the social cornerstone of the nearest village.

Or maybe it’s in the middle of nowhere, a relic of days gone by when travelling by horse meant stopping at an inn for the night at least once on your journey.

You know the kind of place we’re talking about. Where the bartender has known you by name since your 18th birthday and the old-timers have their dedicated seats by the bar.

Perhaps you go there because you prefer the quiet atmosphere over the hustle and bustle of pubs in the city. Or you’d rather spend your money on a few more drinks instead of an expensive taxi home.

Whatever your reasons, we want you to nominate your favourite country pub in Nottinghamshire using our survey below.

If you can't see the poll below, click here.