Wheel of Fortune contestant solves 17-letter puzzle with just 2 letters revealed

Taya Somes was in the zone on Wheel of Fortune, when she guessed the answer to a 17-letter puzzle with only 2 consonants showing.

Somes is not only a business owner and the mother of 5 kids, she's also good at guessing puzzles.

The puzzle read, "_ - _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - N _ - _ T_ _ _ " Taya's response of: "A PLACE LIKE NO OTHER" was correct.

It was somewhat surprising that she did not attempt to squeeze a few more wheel spins out of the puzzle, but her early gamble paid off. She ended up winning $650 and an $8,000 trip to Peru.

While the prizes were great, she may be just as happy to know that she was celebrated by fans on Twitter as well.

After Taya guessed the correct answer, host Pat Sajak was left with little to say. He jokingly imitated another contestant's shock facial reaction, followed by congratulating her and saying, "Impressive."