Where’s Rishi? PM in back row for Cop28 photo as Macron hogs centre stage

World leaders pose for a group photo during COP28, in Dubai
World leaders pose for a group photo during COP28, in Dubai - COP28 / MAHMOUD KHALED

Rishi Sunak spent Friday at the Cop28 summit declaring the UK could “stand tall” with its record on climate change policy.

But the Prime Minister found himself bringing up the rear in the annual “family photo” of world leaders attending the summit, which this year took place in the United Arab Emirates.

His lack of prominence came as a stark contrast to Emmanuel Macron, the French president, taking pride of place in the front row of the photograph.

Mr Sunak was somewhat harder to spot than some of his predecessors because, at 5ft7in, he is one of the more diminutive leaders in recent political history.

Spotted! Sunak stands on the back row
Spotted! Sunak stands on the back row - Sean Gallup

He has taken jokes about his height in his stride, quipping last year that when he replaced Liz Truss in No10 the UK went “from the shortest-serving Prime Minister to the shortest”.