Whisky-swiping Co-op thief's threat to worker: 'I'll stick you with this pin'

Sally Winter entered the Co-op in Marske despite being banned from the store
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A whisky-swiping thief returned to a shop she was banned from entering, threatened a worker and fled with whisky.

Sally Winter, 39, targeted the Co-op in Marske in the late hours of February 3 despite being banned from the store. Teesside Crown Court heard the defendant entered the Co-Op at around 9.30pm and was recognised by a staff member.

Prosecuting the case, Rachel Masters said the worker approached Winter but was threatened. She said: "He recognised the defendant as she was banned from the shop. He ran towards her to prevent her from stealing alcohol.

"She said 'if you come any closer I'll stick you with this pin'. She lunged towards him with her hand out-stretched. He did not see a weapon but feared she had a needle in her hand."

The court heard the defendant fled the store with two bottles of whisky and the incident was reported to Cleveland Police. Winter was arrested on February 5 and denied the offence in police interview.

The defendant, formerly of Wheatacre Close, Marske, later pleaded guilty to robbery and asked for help and support. The Low Newton Prison inmate said: "Being in custody and being clean has given me time to think about things. I'm embarrassed and ashamed. I need help and support. I really want to be clean and start my life again."

Judge Chris Smith deferred sentencing until July 17.