White House official discusses anti-corruption efforts with Ukraine delegation

FILE PHOTO: White House National Security Advisor Sullivan addresses the daily press briefing at the White House in Washington

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. national security adviser Jake Sullivan met on Friday with a delegation comprised of the heads of Ukrainian anti-corruption institutions and reiterated American support for anti-corruption reforms in Ukraine, the White House said in a statement.


"Mr. Sullivan underscored the vital importance to any democratic society of independent, impartial law enforcement and judicial institutions capable of investigating, prosecuting and adjudicating corruption cases no matter where they lead," the White House said on Friday after the meeting.

"Mr. Sullivan also reiterated steadfast U.S. support for anti-corruption reforms in Ukraine and for Ukraine's brave defense of its democracy against Russian aggression."


Ukraine has made a crackdown on graft a priority as it presses on with a counteroffensive 18 months into Russia's invasion.

Uprooting corruption is also a key element in the country's bid to join the European Union and to seek more assistance from partners to support its fight against Russia and its rebuilding efforts that will cost billions of dollars.


Ukraine ranks 116th out of 180 countries on campaign group Transparency International's latest Corruption Perceptions Index.

A Transparency-commissioned opinion poll in June found that at least 77% of Ukrainians believe corruption is among Ukraine's biggest problems.

(Reporting by Kanishka Singh in Washington, Editing by Rosalba O'Brien)