Why Bridlington South beach can't shake poor water rating despite improvements as others get recognition

The long expanse of sand and sea at Bridlington South Beach
Water off Bridlington South beach is still classed as poor despite being recorded as excellent last yar -Credit:Paul Allison

The quality of water off Bridlington South beach is still classed as poor despite being deemed excellent following tests last year, according to the latest classifications.

Bridlington South's rating continues as poor this year because of its average score over the last four years, with efforts currently underway to improve water quality there. Water off Flamborough's South Landing and the beaches of Hornsea and Withernsea have all been classed as excellent and the latter two have been granted Blue Flag status this year.

East Riding Council's Coastal Portfolio Holder Cllr Barbara Jefferson said the awarding of Blue Flag status was fantastic news and it would help attract more tourists this season. It comes as the Environment Agency, East Riding Council, North Yorkshire Council and Yorkshire Water continue with their efforts to improve the standards of water off Bridlington South.


A probe was launched last summer to find the cause of the poor water quality after East Riding councillors heard bathers were advised not to swim there as of 2022. Councillors were told about the poor rating staying in place for 2023 the previous December, shortly after council plans were unveiled for a further 20 beach chalets at Bridlington South.

Councillors backed a call in January last year from Bridlington South ward's Cllr Tim Norman for urgent action to improve water quality amid fears over the rating's effect on tourism. But others including then Economy Portfolio Holder Cllr Jane Evison said there was a danger that tourists could be put by so much attention being paid to the rating.

East Riding Council's Coastal Portfolio Holder Cllr Barbara Jefferson and the authority's Foreshore Inspector Jonathan Newman with the Blue Flag at Withernsea beach
East Riding Council's Coastal Portfolio Holder Cllr Barbara Jefferson and the authority's Foreshore Inspector Jonathan Newman with the Blue Flag at Withernsea beach -Credit:East Riding of Yorkshire Council

Bridlington South Beach was not eligible for recognition in this year's Seaside Awards because of its current bathing quality rating. Nearby Bridlington North, South Landing and Wilsthorpe all received awards from Keep Britain Tidy along with the Blue Flags for Hornsea and Withernsea.

The quality of water off Bridlington North and Wilsthorpe has been rated good. Blue Flags are awarded to beaches which meet a criteria covering 30 standards including water quality, proper management and cleaning and having litter bins and seasonal dog bans.

Criteria for the Seaside Awards is similar but there are fewer conditions. Council Coastal Portfolio Holder Cllr Barbara Jefferson said all those in the awards had been recognised for meeting high standards.

The portfolio holder said: "It is fantastic news that Hornsea and Withernsea can fly Blue Flags this year and that three more of our beaches have been given Seaside Awards. This will no doubt help to attract extra tourists to our area this season."