Why can't I see the new WhatsApp update?

WhatsApp has refreshed its layout. -Credit:Getty Images

WhatsApp has added a major change to its layout. Millions of users of the popular messaging app have begun noticing the new update.

But not everyone is seeing it at the same time, and some still haven't received the update. The change is a minor one but has not gone unnoticed by users.

Those who use the app daily will have been struck by something a little different to its layout. It has gone greener.

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Both the plus button in the top right corner for starting new chats and notifications for new unopened messages are now green, having previously been blue. Many people are resistant to change and like what they know, particularly with things they know and use often so it's led to questions about why the update has been made.

It appears Meta, which owns WhatsApp along with Facebook and Instagram, is simply refreshing the layout and bringing the colour scheme in line with the WhatsApp logo. The familiar blue ticks remain blue, however - no doubt to the relief of many users.

Some may not yet be seeing the latest version of the app. This is because the update is reaching phones at different times.

WhatsApp says it will eventually be rolled out to everyone. It said: "If you can’t see these changes yet, there may be a short wait before they reach everyone. Please make sure to keep WhatsApp updated to the latest version in the meantime."

It's the latest change to the app after WhatsApp allowed users to edit messages after they had been sent.