Why there might be more universes other than our own

Why there might be more universes other than our own
  • Business Insider UK spoke with astronomer Stuart Clark, author of  "Unknown Universe," about multiverse theory.

  • A number of problems in physics and astronomy could be solved if there were an infinite number of other universes.

  • There’s nothing written in the laws of physics which directs us towards this orderly universe around us.

Business Insider UK spoke with astronomer Stuart Clark about multiverse theory and what it could mean for the study of physics and astronomy.

Full transcript below.

Stuart Clark: Now the multiverse is something that has come to astronomers and physicists from a number of different angles. It seems that there are a number of problems in physics and astronomy that could be solved if there were not just this universe but an infinite number of other universes.

So one of those things is whenever a quantum particle changes its state there’s nothing in our laws of physics that direct it to change that state in one particular way or another.

So how does it choose to do that? Well if there’s a multiverse, then every possibility is played out. So it becomes understandable, in that way.

And also when astronomers look out into space they see as far as they possibly can but what’s beyond that? Are there other realms out there as well, other universes?

Then when we start to get into theories to try to join gravity, our understanding of gravity with the other forces of nature then we’re led to things like string theory and they postulate different dimensions of existence. Again, natural places to find other universes. And so in all these different ways, there could be multiple universes.

Now that sounds great but of course, if every possibility is played out across this huge multiverse, it makes our universe just a sheer accident. We happen to be in it, just because it happens to be the one where all the conditions are right for life. So there’s nothing written in the laws of physics which directs us towards this orderly universe around us.

I think for me I would prefer it if there wasn’t a multiverse. If the universe that we see around us today is all that there actually is and that that spurs us on to find the meaning if you like in the laws of physics, the reason the universe is just this way and no different.

But of course, the universe doesn’t have to care what I think or want. It will just do what it does.

Produced and filmed by Jasper Pickering. Research by Fraser Moore

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