Why my money is on Andy Street to be next boss at Birmingham City Council

Andy Street - could he be next CEO of Birmingham City Council?
Andy Street - could he be next CEO of Birmingham City Council? -Credit:Copyright Unknown

The advert for the next chief executive of Birmingham City Council has just landed. Normally, a search for someone of the calibre required to lift the biggest unitary authority in Europe out of special measures, and with a salary of up to £295,000 on offer, would take some time to fill.

But with a deadline just a week away, the signs are that someone is already lined up. There's something about the description of the role as the more business sector-like "Managing Director" that should also offer up clues that the net is being cast beyond typical local government circles.

And looking around at who might possibly be available and, more pertinently, interested, it's impossible to look past one man - Andy Street.

READ MORE: Search launched for £295k a year chief to repair broken Birmingham City Council and 'return glory days'

He recently lost the West Midlands mayoralty he had held for seven years by a tiny margin of 1,508 votes out of a potential electorate of over two million to Labour's Richard Parker. In defeat he was the epitome of dignity, speaking highly of his rival and expressing how gutted he was to lose his chance to continue making a difference in the region he loves.

There then followed an outpouring of adoration and no little regret at his departure from people who had encountered him as friend or foe. It was a graceful send-off that is rarely seen in these divisive times.

From the moment he departed there has been speculation about his next move. At the age of 60, the energetic Street is never going to be satisfied with a gentle early retirement. There has been talk of him switching to parliamentary politics, with some excitable Conservatives going so far as to tip him as a possible future chairman or even Prime Minister.

But my honest take is that Street and Westminster would be very unhappy bedfellows. Obeying the will of a party whip, and answering to Conservatives on the right of the party that he has a visible distaste for, is just not going to match Street's philanthropic ambitions. Doing so in opposition, with the lack of power to shape change, would make it a no-go.

READ MORE: Andy Street's most revealing interview ever as he fights to remain mayor

The former CEO of beloved British brand John Lewis, with considerable political connections now under his belt, could likely waltz into any business he chose. He could carve out a formidable portfolio and wealth sitting on boards, advising brands and supporting charities.

But having been up close to Street for several years, and heard him speak so wholeheartedly about his commitment to the city and the area, I think that Birmingham City Council could be where he chooses to hang his hat. The reasons I think that are manifold:

  • He believes the city continues to have untapped potential that he could unlock

  • He doesn't like unfinished business and I think he still believes he can offer a lot to the city. That will drive him into taking on this new challenge

  • He has often felt hamstrung by the lack of power he had as mayor, especially before the devo deal he has just secured, with many of the things he would dearly love to influence outside his remit. As MD of the city council, he'd have oversight of housing and homelessness, waste services, transport, children's services, and so much more that he has expressed a desire to change, though of course in a politically neutral role.

  • The advert may as well have had flashing lights and arrows with Andy Street's name on it, so closely does it appear to have been written for him

  • The HS2 project through Birmingham that he's made his calling card is going to ramp up in the next five years, and he remains hopeful he can be part of a solution for the Birmingham to Manchester stretch - as boss at the city council he could continue to influence that

  • He lives in and adores the city he was raised in and that is now his home, with friends, his life partner Michael Fabricant, Lichfield MP, his father and other relatives close by, and the Welsh hills he retreats to regularly a short drive away

  • Though a Conservative, he manages to straddle political boundaries. Despite some fallings out with Labour councillors in the mayoral campaign, including barbs aimed at the council's leader John Cotton, he is adept at smoothing over fault lines. He will be answerable to the Labour leadership, which could prove a sticking point - though the next point could ease any awkwardness.

  • He's a close ally to Michael Gove, the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities who is currently overseeing Birmingham's affairs via lead commissioner Max Caller and his team. Nobody will get the job who Caller, the commissioners and Gove don't approve.

  • He's also met with and is known to have impressed Caller. Another tick.

  • It pays a LOT. As mayor Andy Street was picking up a salary of around £79,000 as mayor of the West Midlands. As Managing Director of Birmingham, he will earn up to £295,000.

Of course I reached out to Andy Street to put this speculation to him, and his team's answer was non-committal. "Andy cares deeply about the city but he's currently taking time to consider and assess his options."

So watch this space...and if you have any other names in mind that could fill this vital role, drop me a line. Email jane.haynes@reachplc.com