Why toilets in Hull's Queen Victoria Square are still shut and when they might reopen

A wetter than usual winter has meant that public toilets in Queen Victoria Square have remained closed longer than expected, Hull City Council has said.

The toilets, below the statue of the square's royal namesake in Hull city centre, have been shut since the end of last year after water leaked into the electrical system. A Hull City Council spokesperson said they hoped to reopen them by the end of the month, provided there is a long enough period of dry, warm weather for repairs.

This year's closure of the toilets follows the council shutting them in December 2022 after heavy rain also leaked into its electrics. They reopened in spring 2023 but water once again found its way into the toilets' electrical system.


Contractors have since been brought in to repair the electrics and replace asphalt on the toilets' outside steps and floors. But a council spokesperson said they need a sustained period of dry, warm weather to finish the works.

The spokesperson said: "The incredibly wet winter we have experienced has meant repair work has been delayed. Contractors have been secured.

"But five to ten days of dry weather above 10 degrees is required to complete the work. We are hopeful we can reopen the toilets at the end of the month, providing dry warm weather is sustained."

The toilets in Queen Victoria Square were first installed below the statue in 1925. The statue itself, of Queen Victoria and allegorical female figures, was put up in 1903 and it and the toilets were restored in 1989.

The toilets follow a circular layout, with access in and out of them down two sets of curved stairs. Original earthenware stalls, cisterns and cubicles are still in the Gentlemen's section.