Widow who had stomach removed due to cancer 'never feels hungry' and can only eat a banana each day

Belinda with two of her grandchildren - Aurora(left) and Skylar (right)
Belinda with two of her grandchildren - Aurora(left) and Skylar (right) -Credit:(Collect/PA Real Life)

A widow who had her stomach removed due to cancer said she is "grateful for the life" she has now and described her NHS doctors as her "heroes". Belinda Martin, 73, a grandmother-of-seven who is now retired and lives in Ludlow, Shropshire, was diagnosed with stomach cancer in December 2017, aged 66, after experiencing "terrible indigestion" and vomiting.

Despite "three generations" of her family losing their lives to cancer, Belinda never thought she would be affected by the disease herself and she delayed seeing her GP by approximately six months. An urgent endoscopy a procedure to look inside your body at The County Hospital in Hereford revealed Belinda had stomach cancer and this led to a referral for surgery at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital in June 2018.

When the nurse said: "What are you going to do when they remove your stomach? ", Belinda felt scared and was not prepared for the "aftermath" of the operation, which has left her with no appetite and "discomfort" every day. Belinda, who is 5ft tall, said she has to "force" herself to eat small amounts of food every day, such as a banana or soup, to maintain her strength, but her weight has dropped from 13 to "barely nine stone".

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Belinda, whose food cravings for fish and chips, roast dinners, and the occasional curry are hard to bear, told PA Real Life: "Eating almost has become a punishment to me because I don't want it, I'm forcing myself, which is very difficult,". Seeing others eat can sometimes be a reminder of her situation, as she mentions, "Occasionally you see people eating food and you think, 'Oh I wish I could eat this', but you know that you can't."

Despite facing day-to-day struggles and mourning the loss of her partner, William's death due to bowel cancer last year, she still finds joy in her life. Belinda said she is "grateful" for her existence, cherishing the time spent with her "lovely grandchildren" and watching television.

Recognising her past oversights, Belinda now wishes she hadn't delayed consulting her general practitioner and urges anyone else with troubling symptoms to seek medical advice immediately. "My advice would be not to leave things like I did," she confessed, adding: "I know how difficult it is nowadays to get a doctor's appointment, but if you've got any concerns, anything that's worrying you, you should get it checked out... because it could make a huge difference to your outcome."

She emphasised the importance of understanding one's own body and encouraged not to hesitate, saying: "You know your own body... and it's better to get sorted sooner rather than later." Though Belinda lost her great-grandmother, grandmother, and mother to bowel cancer when she was growing up, she never considered herself to be at high risk or believed she might be diagnosed with cancer.

In 2017, she began to experience what she described as "chronic indigestion" and sudden vomiting, which initially didn't alarm her. "I know it sounds ridiculous, but before I got diagnosed with this cancer, I had never heard of it," Belinda admitted.

"I've heard of lots of different cancers we all know breast cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer but in all honesty, I had never heard of this particular one." It wasn't until the vomiting became more frequent, with Belinda being sick "virtually every time" she ate, that she sought help from her GP some six months after first experiencing symptoms.

Following an urgent referral to The County Hospital in Hereford, an endoscopy performed on December 27, 2017, revealed that Belinda was suffering from stomach cancer. "(The doctor) said that there is surgery, but I couldn't bear the thought of that, so I said to him, 'What if I don't have the surgery? ' And he said, 'You will probably have about 18 months (to live)'," Belinda recounted.

Belinda was then booked in for several CT scans and other specialist tests at Cheltenham General Hospital, before having three rounds of chemotherapy, a pre-operative assessment, and surgery to remove her stomach. She said she felt she was living in a “dreamworld” between appointments, but she tried to be as “normal” as she could be.

“I was just living in a world of hospitals and appointments… day and night you don’t think about anything else,” Belinda said. Of course, it’s fear of the unknown as well because you don’t know what’s coming next.”

Belinda counted down the months, days, and hours until she had the surgery to remove her stomach on June 6 2018 at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital, which involved joining her oesophagus to her small bowel. She said she was told she would never be able to eat “a big carvery again” and was initially sent home with a feeding tube – but after developing an unusual amount of fluid around the lungs, she was taken back to hospital.

The surgery has affected her breathing and appetite to this day, and led to her losing more than four stone. “I take supplement drinks, I can eat very small amounts of food – maybe a small banana, that would be my daily food,” Belinda said.

“Maybe I could have one small cup of soup, maybe half a banana, and maybe the supplement drink, and that is my day-to-day life because if I ate more than I could cope with, I would be in pain. I’m never without discomfort in my stomach, and another thing is, I never feel hungry… but I make myself (eat) because I know I’ve got to do it.”

Belinda said that without her late partner William Willsteed, who was “everything to (her)”, she does not think she would have made it through her diagnosis – but his health started deteriorating in 2022. William had prostate cancer but died aged 81 in February 2023, just four weeks after being diagnosed with bowel cancer, and at first Belinda said it felt like she had “lost everything”.

“It’s life-changing that I lost my partner, it’s absolutely life-changing because I lived with him for eight years,” she said. “We had each other, he was everything to me, and we looked after one another, and since he’s been gone I’ve had to find new things (to do).”

Belinda said she still struggles with grief and the side effects of her surgery, but in her spare time she enjoys watching quiz programmes on TV, listening to the radio, and spending time with her grandchildren. She wants to continue enjoying life and hopes her story will raise more awareness of stomach cancer and encourage others to get checked.

“I’ve got my lovely grandchildren and they make me happy, and I’m so grateful to the NHS staff – they’re my heroes,” she said. “I’m so grateful for the life I have now, and even though it’s not easy, it’s better than the alternative.

“There are people much worse off than me, but I still enjoy certain aspects (of life).” Cancer Equals, a new campaign by Bristol Myers Squibb Pharmaceuticals Limited (BMS), aims to understand and help address the many possible reasons for diagnostic delays, including low awareness of cancer and challenges accessing services.

For more information, visit here.