Wigan general election 2024 results in full

Labour's Lisa Nandy delivered a stinging rebuke to the political right she defeated saying: “take this result as your marching orders”.

She was returned comfortably to the Wigan seat she has held since 2014 with 19,401 votes, but the Reform UK candidate, Andy Dawber polled in second place with 9,852 votes. For the Conservatives, it was a dismal night with candidate Henry Mitson getting 4,310 votes.

Following the announcement of the result, she raged from the podium: “I want to say to those people who’ve brought their nasty, hateful, racist politics to our town, the history of Wigan is of working-class people who for 100 years have driven you and your hate out of our town over and over again.

“So take this result tonight as your marching orders. We are a better town than you. You are not welcome here. You can take your nasty divisive rhetoric elsewhere because we’ve got a job to do.”

READ MORE: LIVE: General election 2024 results and updates across Greater Manchester and UK

Ms Nandy recalled that five years ago she stood on the stage and made a solemn promise that she would fight with every breath in her body to bring Labour home.

“It’s people in Wigan and towns like ours who have built our party and our movement and remade government over 100 years that changed people’s lives,” she said.

“It’s humbling to stand here five years on, to have changed the Labour and put it back into the service of working-class people and to feel the trust return. To those of you who didn’t feel they could trust us this time, I say to you that for 14 years the people of Wigan have had my back and I will always have yours and I will never stop fighting for you.”

She added: “If we build back the country it will only be because of the extraordinary people in Wigan and across the country.

“With Keir Starmer as leader we will have a team that can do this. It’s been the privilege of my life to represent Wigan for 14 years. Thank you for trusting me again. I will never ever let you down.”