'Wild' Plymouth cemetery sparks massive debate

Plymouth Live readers have been discussing the experience of a Plymouth man who was left in shock after visiting Efford Cemetery on D-Day to pay his respects to his late Royal Navy veteran uncle.

The grave of Navy serviceman Walter Smith is among the many dedicated to veterans at the cemetery. Walter's nephew, Matt Smith, visited his uncle's grave on June 6 and was dismayed by the overgrown state of the graveyard. Efford Cemetery, which includes 109 Second World War burials, serves as a resting place for numerous veterans. Matt reported that some of weeds have grown taller than the headstones. Our readers have been having their say in our comments section.

A Plymouth City Council spokesman said previously: "We’re sorry that the grass in some areas of Efford Cemetery has got a bit long. Clearly this falls below the standards we have set for keeping our cemeteries tidy."

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The site has since been cut and looks tidier. Reacting to the story, Tabathaema said: “Regarding the condition of Efford Cemetery, I visit my parent’s grave regularly and can honestly say that I too am a bit saddened by the length of grass in the cemetery, but it’s very rare it gets to (that height). I also do take a pair of shears with me just in case but haven’t to date had to use them.”

Dotto was upset: “It's disgraceful, especially in a cemetery, but the long grass everywhere is so scruffy! Plymstock is dreadful.” Condor feels the same way: “Plymstock St Mary and All Saints graveyard is in the same state, the council are supposed to maintain it, it is dangerous for older folk to try and negotiate, but let me guess ''no mow June.”

Macker55 pointed out however: “I know it’s now June, but this is the result of ‘No Mow May’. It'll all be mown soon.”

Sirmasseyfergusson agreed: “It isn't neglect, it's a consequence of 'No Mow May' - to help, encourage and restore wild flowers, insects and bees to healthy levels.”

Eastparky was sceptical: “We have all heard of ‘No Mow May’, but Plymouth Council do a plan of their own. ‘No mow May, June, July and August if they can get away with it. Most of Plymouth's grass looks disgraceful.”

Commenter intheknow1 believes it isn’t entirely the council’s fault. They said: “We all fool ourselves if we can’t see the direct correlation between Government funding to local councils and the services they can deliver. PCC employees firefight as the complaints come in. Next week it may be libraries or social services… it’s all broken!”

Sunshine51 said: “Am I the only one who thinks that actually looks nice? Much better than the usually sterile and unappealing look most cemeteries have.”

Over on Facebook, Angela Harrison said: “I visited my husband’s grave in Eggbuckland and l was horrified. I couldn't see his grave, they said it was because they are looking after the wildlife! Absolutely disgusting, this is a resting place for our loved ones. l remember when we could sit on the bench or walk around and remember people from years ago and the cemetery was kept immaculate. This has got to change, it's so wrong to leave our loved ones in this state.”

Kelly Burrows agreed: “I know they want to leave the grass to encourage more wildlife, but to leave a place of rest like this is not on and should be an exception to the rule.”

Jackie Downs thinks differently: “I think it’s okay, I walked round the other day, visited quite a few relatives' graves and saw some beautiful wild flowers there for the bees.” Tracy Runge agrees and points out: “UK's flying insects have declined by 60% in 20 years, these insects represent some of the most significant pollinators of plants. We have to try and halt this decline.”

Mandy Hancock said: “To be honest if I was that upset about my family's resting place I'd take a strimmer and do it myself. We can't always expect everyone else to do everything.”

Have you been affected by the state of cemeteries? Have your say in our comments section.