Wildlife trust calls on public to help protect meadow dug up for bike jumps

The Wildlife Trust says part of the wildflower meadow at Cross Hill Quarry near Clitheroe has been dug up for mountain bike jumps <i>(Image: Kim Coverdale)</i>
The Wildlife Trust says part of the wildflower meadow at Cross Hill Quarry near Clitheroe has been dug up for mountain bike jumps (Image: Kim Coverdale)

A wildlife trust says a nature reserve has lost an area of its precious wildflower meadow after it was dug up to create jumps for mountain bikes.

Cross Hill Quarry, just outside Clitheroe, is a haven for wildlife and is enjoyed by visitors throughout the year.

The Wildlife Trust for Lancashire, Manchester, and North Merseyside says an area of the quarry floor, rich with wildflowers including bee orchids and common spotted orchids, has been dug up to create mountain bike jumps, seriously damaging the habitat.

The trust said “countless other important species” could have been lost as a result of the digging, and said that while it wants people to enjoy the reserve, this needs to be done responsibly.

Cross Hill Quarry (Image: Kim Coverdale)

Kim Coverdale, East Lancashire reserves officer for the trust, said: “The quarry floor at Cross Hill Quarry is one of the most important areas on the site for wildflowers.

"In fact, just next to the damaged area an orchid was in flower, and countless other species associated with these limestone grasslands may have been lost.

“We very much want people to be able to visit the site and enjoy the nature reserve, but to do so responsibly.

“The Wildlife Trust and our amazing volunteers work really hard to look after this wonderful place, so to see this damage is really disappointing.”

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The nature reserve at Cross Hill Quarry includes areas of both woodland and meadow, filled with special species that flourish on the limestone bedrock.

The wildflower meadows are filled with crosswort, quaking grass, lady’s bedstraw and orchids.

The diverse habitats support birds such as nuthatches, blackcaps, willow warblers, blue tits 2and great tits. Kestrels are often seen hovering above the open areas as well.

Part of the wildflower meadow has been damaged (Image: Kim Coverdale)

Ms Coverdale added: “While making a few small jumps may seem harmless, it can actually have a really significant effect on species right across the nature reserve, on top of damaging this precious wildflower meadow.

“Nationally, we have seen a 97 per cent decrease in our wildflower meadows since the 1930s, so it really is important that we treasure and protect these beautiful habitats and protect the diversity.

“Under the Wildflower and Countryside Act 1981, it is unlawful to uproot any wild plant without permission from the landowner or occupier, and whilst we have no desire to go to such lengths, we just appeal to people who love and care for our nature reserves.”