William and Harry unite, King Charles gets cross at leaky pen, Becks joins queue to pay tribute: Key moments in the 10 days since the Queen's death

It has been 10 days since the death of Queen Elizabeth II at the age of 96 - Britain's longest-reigning monarch who devoted her life to serving the UK and the Commonwealth for 70 years.

Millions have flocked to London to see the late monarch's body lie in state in Westminster Hall after the country entered a period of national mourning.

Here, Sky News reflects on the key moments of the last 10 days.

The King and Prince William greet mourners in the queue - live updates

8 September

Buckingham Palace announced the news of the Queen's death on the evening of Thursday 8 September - with an official notice confirming the news attached to the gates of the palace.

"The Queen died peacefully at Balmoral this afternoon. The King and The Queen Consort will remain at Balmoral this evening and will return to London tomorrow," the statement read.

Earlier on Thursday, the palace announced doctors were "concerned for Her Majesty's health" and had recommended that she "remain under medical supervision".

Charles became King the moment his mother died under the old common law rule that ensures Britain is never without a monarch and "the King never dies".

Along with her four children - Charles, Princess Anne, Prince Andrew and Prince Edward - other family members, including the Duke of Sussex and the Duke of Cambridge, also travelled to Balmoral.

First mourners began assembling outside Buckingham Palace laying flowers and soaking up the sombre, surreal atmosphere enveloping the country.

9 September

King Charles III made his first televised address to the nation as head of state to mark his first full day as monarch.

In a moving speech to the public from Buckingham Palace, he spoke lovingly about his mother, the Queen.

He spoke of his "dear Mama's' journey" with "flights of angels" - and about the love he has for his "darling wife Camilla." His address also included both sons William and Harry.

The new monarch then held his first in-person audience with Prime Minister Liz Truss at Buckingham Palace, who was appointed as the new PM by the Queen just two days before her death.

Earlier, crowds began to gather outside the palace to meet the new King, who received a warm reception as he took the time to meet and shake hands with members of the public.

In the House of Commons, MPs gathered to pay tribute to the Queen, with former prime minister Boris Johnson making his first appearance since stepping down as prime minister, asking the public to "think what we asked of her and think what she gave".

10 September

Charles was officially proclaimed as King at a meeting of the Accession Council, attended by his son Prince William and his wife, the new Queen Consort, Camilla.

The event was shown on television for the first time ever.

In the afternoon, the Prince and Princess of Wales appeared outside Windsor Castle with Harry and Meghan, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, in a show of unity as they viewed flowers left for the Queen.

The two brothers and their wives paused to view the many tributes outside the castle walls on Saturday afternoon, after leaving Balmoral in Scotland.

11 September

Queen Elizabeth's coffin was seen for the first time as it left Balmoral at the start of a long journey to her final resting place.

It arrived in Edinburgh following a six-hour car ride from her summer home in the Scottish Highlands, driving past tens of thousands of mourners lining the route, many in sombre silence as others applauded.

It was the end of the first stage of what her eldest son, King Charles, described as his mother's "last great journey".

Her oak coffin, draped with the Royal Standard of Scotland with a wreath of Balmoral flowers on top, was taken slowly in a seven-car cortege to the Scottish capital.

As it arrived at the Palace of Holyroodhouse - the official residence of the monarchy in Scotland - the Queen's two youngest sons, Prince Andrew and Prince Edward, bowed their heads, and Edward's wife, the Countess of Wessex, curtsied.

12 September

King Charles III, accompanied by the Queen Consort, addressed the British parliament, telling peers and MPs he was "resolved faithfully to follow" the example set by Queen Elizabeth.

In the speech, he quoted William Shakespeare in a tribute to his late mother, saying: "As Shakespeare said of the earlier Queen Elizabeth, she was a pattern to all princes living."

The Speakers of both Houses - Sir Lindsay Hoyle for the Commons and Lord McFall for the Lords - presented letters of condolence, which the King responded to.

The monarch then flew to the Scottish capital after his address to parliament and led his siblings in procession as his mother's coffin was moved to St Giles' Cathedral for a service of thanksgiving.

Later in the evening, the King and the Queen's three other children mounted a vigil at the cathedral in honour of their late mother.

Meanwhile, Prince Andrew was heckled by a member of the public as the Queen's cortege went up Edinburgh's Royal Mile.

The man was removed from the crowd and detained by police.

13 September

In a now infamous video, King Charles became cross with a leaky pen as he signed a visitors' book at Hillsborough Castle in Northern Ireland.

He and Camilla were signing a visitors' book at Hillsborough Castle in Northern Ireland when the monarch's pen began to leak - and he lost his temper.

The King also wrote the wrong date in the book before asking an aide what it was.

The royals shook hands and talked with members of the public as crowds gathered for their historic visit to Northern Ireland.

His Majesty later said the Queen "never ceased to pray for the best of times" for Northern Ireland in a short speech at Hillsborough Castle.

14 September

Princes William and Harry and other senior royals joined King Charles for a solemn procession taking Queen Elizabeth's coffin as the late monarch made her final journey from Buckingham Palace.

Swathes of mourners gathered in central London to witness the Queen being taken from the palace to parliament as artillery guns fired salutes and Big Ben tolled.

First mourners soon began filing past the late monarch's coffin in Westminster Hall, many of whom queued overnight for the opportunity.

The Queen would lie in state for four days at Westminster Hall ahead of her funeral on Monday 19 September, with mourners allowed to pay their respects 24 hours a day.

The first person to join the queue was Vanessa Nathakumaran, who arrived at 11.30am on Monday.

She said: "It's going to be an emotional one, and when you go in there, my main aim is to show respect."

15 September

The Prince of Wales spoke about the ordeal of taking part in the procession a day earlier, in which he walked behind the Queen's coffin, telling a member of the public that it "brought back a few memories".

Prince William, who famously walked behind his mother Diana's coffin in 1997, said the walk yesterday was "challenging".

William and Kate held hands as they viewed the tributes people had left to his grandmother, while a large crowd gathered behind metal barriers.

The couple chatted and shook hands with some of those who had turned out to honour the late monarch.

King Charles returned to his Highgrove home in Gloucestershire for a private day of reflection, taking time away from public duties at his family residence.

16 September

Entry to the queue to see the Queen lying in state was paused for at least six hours after it hit capacity - after mourners lined up overnight in the cold.

With a wait time of 14 hours 4.9 miles long - the queue stretched back to Southwark Park.

Mourners spoke of "breathtaking" serenity in Westminster Hall where "you could hear a pin drop".

One mourner who didn't mind queueing up was football legend David Beckham, who wiped away a tear as he paid his respects to the Queen after waiting in line for 13 hours.

He told Sky News he was there to celebrate Britain's "special" Queen.

Earlier, King Charles visited Wales, the last stage of a tour of the United Kingdom to acknowledge his status as the new monarch and head of state and to greet the public.

17 September

The King and the Prince of Wales surprised mourners by chatting to people queuing to see the Queen's coffin to pay their final respects on Saturday morning.

They embarked on the impromptu walkabout, shaking hands and sharing words of condolence, as they took a brief pause from their schedules in the run-up to the Queen's funeral on Monday.

It was also reported on Saturday that a man had been detained by police after he moved out of the queue of mourners and approached the Queen's coffin in Westminster Hall on Friday night.

He was later "charged with an offence under Section 4A of the Public Order Act; behaviour intending to cause alarm, harassment or distress", the Metropolitan Police said.

On Saturday evening, the Queen's eight grandchildren held a 15-minute vigil around her coffin.

The Prince of Wales stood at the head of the coffin, with the Duke of Sussex at the foot.

At the "King's request" both Princes William and Harry were in uniform, Buckingham Palace confirmed.