Winner of the CambridgeshireLive Facebook cover photo revealed

Reflections from Pembroke Street in Cambridge, photographed by Doug Wallace, has been voted Cambridgeshire Live's new Facebook cover photo
Reflections from Pembroke Street in Cambridge, photographed by Doug Wallace, has been voted Cambridgeshire Live's new Facebook cover photo -Credit:Doug Wallace

Recently, we asked CambridgeshireLive readers to help us find our new Facebook cover photo. We asked for pictures that represent the county in some way, whether that's the beautiful buildings and history, or its breath-taking countryside and villages.

We received many great submissions of places across Cambridgeshire that definitely showcased everything we love about it. With almost 50 submissions from photographers across the county, the decision was a difficult one.

But, with the help of a poll, we whittled the submissions down to just 10. Now, we've added up the votes and the winner can be revealed.

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Coming in at third place was Paula Knott's 'Brampton Mill' and second place was Rachel Togher's 'Cambridge Punting'. All of these photos are simply amazing, but there can only be one winner.

The winner

Reflections from Pembroke Street in Cambridge, photographed by Doug Wallace, has been voted Cambridgeshire Live's new Facebook cover photo
Reflections from Pembroke Street in Cambridge, photographed by Doug Wallace, has been voted Cambridgeshire Live's new Facebook cover photo -Credit:Doug Wallace

CambridgeshireLive's new official Facebook cover photo is Doug Wallace's 'Reflections from Pembroke Street'.

Overall, the photo received 38 votes in the poll. It is a photo of Pembroke Street in Cambridge on a rainy day. The street is located in the city centre and is home to Pembroke College.

Many locals and tourists love the street for its beautiful historic architecture, as can be seen in the photo.

Doug said: "I took this picture on March 2, 2020 from Downing Street looking towards Pembroke Street using a puddle for the reflection, 21 days before the first COVID-19 lockdown."

Doug has an avid Instagram page that is filled with amazing photographs of many popular attractions across Cambridge and Cambridgeshire such as King's College Chapel, The Fitzwilliam Museum and Ely Cathedral.

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