When are UK strikes 2024? Junior doctors and Heathrow Airport staff announce action

Junior doctors have staged a series of strikes over the past year (PA Wire)
Junior doctors have staged a series of strikes over the past year (PA Wire)

Junior doctors in England and Heathrow Airport Border Force staff have announced several days of strikes.

The British Medical Association (BMA) announced on Wednesday that the pay-related strikes would be held shortly before the general election on July 4. For Heathrow staff a roster dispute has prompted their industrial action.

The RMT union and Aslef have held strikes on national rail routes and on Transport for London’s network this year but as of May 29 have no plans for further industrial action.

Here are the strike dates and details.

Junior doctors are to stage a strike at the same time general election campaigning is under way (PA Wire)
Junior doctors are to stage a strike at the same time general election campaigning is under way (PA Wire)

Junior doctors

Junior doctors will go on strike the week before the general election after mediated talks with the Government collapsed. They will walk out from 7am on June 27 until 7am on July 2. The BMA announced the action in the long-running dispute over pay between doctors in training and the Government.

The co-chairmen of the BMA junior doctors committee, Dr Robert Laurenson and Dr Vivek Trivedi, said: “We made clear to the Government that we would strike unless discussions ended in a credible pay offer.”

The health secretary, Victoria Atkins, said in response: “I’ll always deal constructively if the other side does too. Junior doctors should take note and start acting like they want a better deal for their members.”

Rail strikes

There are not currently any rail strikes planned.

UK Border Force in action (PA Archive)
UK Border Force in action (PA Archive)

Heathrow Airport

More than 500 PCS (Public and Commercial Services) union members will walk off the job on Friday May 31, Saturday June 1 and Sunday June 2 in a dispute over a new roster that has been imposed. Workers will also refuse to work overtime for three weeks from June 4.

The three weeks of action “will include a work to rule and overtime ban running from 4 to 25 June”, PCS said on Friday.

The PCS union said: “Following the end of the last strike action at the beginning of May, we wrote to the Home Office again highlighting the many problems raised with the new roster system and reminding the employer there remains widespread disquiet and anger from members over this.

“We have set out to the Home Office that we are keen to try to find a resolution. But it was only following the threat of further strike action that the Home Office has only just indicated they are willing to meet however, as yet there’s been no consideration of the impact of the new roster on staff nor has the employer come back with any proposed changes.

“Therefore, as it stands the action will go ahead.”

A Home Office spokesperson said: “We are disappointed with the union’s decision to strike but remain open to discussing a resolution.”