The Witcher's Joey Batey teases "brave" season 3 part 2 finale

The Witcher season 3 features a "brave" finale "in terms of its narrative beats", says Jaskier star Joey Batey.

With part 1 of the fantasy epic's third season now available to stream via Netflix, Batey caught up with Digital Spy for an exclusive chat, where the next instalment (part 2) emerged as the topic of discussion.

"For me, it's quite brave in terms of its narrative beats - in terms of the way in which it's structured," he teased.

the witcher season 3 star joey batey

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"You know, for so many seasons, we've had it leading up to a big fight scene, and big revelations. And we get, this season, to maybe see beyond some of those big conflicts, and we get to delve into the real human side of these characters, and see what happens when things go perhaps not always to plan."

The actor, whose work also includes The Riot Club and Stan Lee's Lucky Man, went on to promise some creature action amidst this new sense of breathing space.

"It does have all of those monsters, and, again, [stuntman] Wolfgang Stegemann and everybody has worked so hard on creating incredible choreography. But I think this season is a bit more mature, and we get to settle and sit with these characters in very vulnerable spaces.

"I think that is my favourite aspect of the show, and, in particular, of part 2."

henry cavill, the witcher season 3

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As for what The Witcher fans can look forward to from Jaskier across the second batch of episodes, Batey shared: "He's got a couple of decisions to make. I don't think he does. He's presented with choices, and it's not a choice to him.

"He knows his past, and he knows who his real family is."

The Witcher season 3 part 1 is now streaming on Netflix, with part 2 set for launch of July 27. Spin-off The Witcher: Blood Origin is also on Netflix.

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