Witham man charged with two counts of being concerned in supplying Class A drugs

Charged - a police officer <i>(Image: Newsquest)</i>
Charged - a police officer (Image: Newsquest)

A WITHAM man has been charged during a drug supply investigation.

Officers acting to dismantle drug dealing gangs operating in Braintree have secured supply charges against a man.

They also seized a substantial quantity of suspected Class A drugs and electronic items which are significant to the investigation.

Teams from Operation Raptor North and Orochi units – which are dedicated to taking down county lines drug dealers and safeguarding those they exploit – led an investigation against a suspected line operating in the district.

This work led to officers attending an address in Braintree on June 25, supported by officers with an Operational Support Group.

During the operation, a man was arrested on suspicion of drug offences and taken into custody for questioning.

Tommy Gilbert, 26, of Mann Close, Witham, has been charged with two counts of being concerned in the supply of Class A drugs.

He was due to appear in Chelmsford Magistrates’ Court on Thursday, June 27.

Sergeant Charli Chambers, of the Op Raptor north team, said: “The speed at which this investigation has resulted in a significant arrest is very much a testament to the joint work of officers in Raptor and Orochi teams.

“This shows that anyone we suspect of dealing drugs in Essex will be identified and we will make arrests and ultimately put people in front of the courts.”

Chief Inspector Martin Richards, Braintree district commander, added: “Residents will have seen a real focus on disrupting illegal drug supply across the Braintree district; I know this is a concern within our community and I hope this enforcement shows our dedication to tackling the issues.

“We know the supply of illegal drugs causes misery to those caught up in the criminality, but also to the law-abiding residents who feel the impact of associated anti-social behaviour and we’re determined to continue to tackle it in all its forms across Braintree and Uttlesford.”