Is the Wm Morrison Supermarkets share price good value at 174p?

Wm Morrison Supermarkets (LON:MRW) is engaged in the operation of retail supermarket stores under the Morrisons brand and associated activities.

Right now the Wm Morrison Supermarkets share price appears to represent solid value, as shown in the group's Value Rank of 69. Let's explore this in more detail.


Digging into Morrison Supermarkets' Value Rank

Looking at Morrison Supermarkets' StockReport, we can see that the group has a:

  • Rolling price to book value of 0.95,

  • Trailing twelve month price to earnings ratio of 11.3

  • Trailing twelve month price to free cashflow of 13.7

  • No rolling dividend yield, and a

  • Trailing twelve-month price to sales ratio of 0.25

This combination of financial traits suggests that, while Wm Morrison Supermarkets stock is not the cheapest, it is far from expensive at these levels and is worth considering - especially if it is exposed to other positive stock market factors as well.

Studies indicate that combining factors such as Value, Quality and Momentum is a more effective way of outperforming the market over longer time frames. That's why we have constructed our StockReports to give an instant impression of how well exposed Wm Morrison Supermarkets (LON:MRW) is to these three factors. We go into greater detail on factor investing in this video.

Stockopedia helps you to identify return-enhancing factors such as Quality, Value and Momentum by analysing thousands of data points every day. To find out more about you find investment opportunities and analyse your portfolios then take one of our two-week free trials and have a look around.