Woman charges boyfriend 'rent' for staying at her house - and people are divided

Marystella Malle Gomez
Malle is a Colombian social media influencer -Credit:Jam Press

A woman has sparked a heated debate after she started charging her boyfriend rent. In her own words, Marystella 'Malle' Gomez, says the charge is in place because "water isn't free".

The Colombian social media influencer made the shock admission on a podcast last week where she revealed all about her private life. The most interesting aspect was how she charges her boyfriend - who doesn't live with her full-time - to contribute to utilities bill, reports the Mirror.

The admission caused shock on the podcast, but Malle justified her decision arguing that her utilities aren't "free". She even claimed that it's only fair her boyfriend to pays his share.

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Marystella Malle Gomez
Malle believes it is right to charge her boyfriend rent despite him not living full-time with her -Credit:Jam Press

She said: "He stays over on weekends, and I still charge my fee. I mean, are the services here free? Is the water here free? I don't see anything wrong with it."

However, the view went down badly with podcast host Ana María Cardona and fellow influencer Isabela Rivera who was appearing alongside Malle. That led to a confrontation between the three, but Malle held firm in her view.

She said: "If a man is not helping you have a better financial life, then what are you doing?"

However, the other women argued that if it was the other way around and their partners charged them for staying at their place, they'd be outraged. Ana Maria said: "If a guy ever charges me a fee, forget it," while Isabela added: "I couldn't be maintained, I'd get bored."

And when the podcast made its way to social media, opinion was split about whether or not Malle was doing the right thing. Some were on the side of the other women, as one person labelled Malle an "extreme miser". Another said: "No, it's like if my boyfriend charged me every time he picked me up and took me home."

Others, however, were on Malle's side, saying that it's no different to having a roommate or living with a partner where you might split the cost of utilities evenly. Someone wrote: "Before we lived together, mine would always stay from Thursday to Monday. One day I told him he had to pay for utilities, and so it was done."