Woman who claimed she couldn't walk unaided after car crash ran across stage on The Jeremy Kyle Show

Patricia Rogers civil injury fraud
Footage showed Patricia Rogers walking unaided before her medical assessment -Credit:No credit

A woman who tried to claim nearly £500,000 by exaggerating her injuries was caught out after appearing on The Jeremy Kyle Show running across the stage.

Patricia Rogers, 25, claimed she had been left unable to walk without a stick or crutches following a car crash in 2014, in which she was a passenger.

Rogers made a claim worth £492,141 through the policyholder's insurance company NFU Mutual claiming it had caused a back condition that severely disrupted her everyday life, police said. However NFU Mutual gathered surveillance footage of Rogers on April 26 2021 after it noted inconsistencies in medical reports she used to support her claim.

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Rogers attended a medical assessment the same day, and footage showed that she travelled to the appointment in a taxi and walked with a walking stick.

However, footage from earlier that day showed her leaving home and walking her two dogs unaided for around 40 minutes.

She also appeared as a guest on The Jeremy Kyle Show in 2017 and 2018, where she walked, stood and ran across the stage unaided, police said. NFU Mutual referred the case to the City of London Police's Insurance Fraud Enforcement Department (IFED) in August 2021.

Rogers was interviewed by police on November 17 2021 and she was shown the footage. Rogers told officers that she could not use a walking stick because she was holding the lead.

She told officers that she had been able to walk on The Jeremy Kyle Show unaided because she felt angry and that distracted her from the pain.

Rogers, of Hoyland Road, Barnsley, pleaded guilty to fraud by false representation at Sheffield Crown Court on February 2, City of London Police said. She was sentenced to 12 months imprisonment, suspended for 18 months, and ordered to pay £500 in compensation at the same court on Tuesday.

Detective Constable Carley Parodi from the City of London Police's IFED said: "Rogers took advantage of a genuine car accident and, for almost a decade, kept up the pretence that it had a substantial effect on her life."

"There was a huge difference between Rogers' ability to carry out her day-to-day activities in the surveillance footage and the serious impact of the accident as she described during her medical appointments."

"It was astounding that she told medical professionals she could not walk unaided, but then appeared on national television doing just that."

Richard Turnell, claims specialist at NFU Mutual, said: "By exaggerating and inflating the extent of her injuries and losses, Patricia Rogers sought to fraudulently claim money in the sum of up to at least half a million pounds at the expense of NFU Mutual's members."

"Over a period of almost a decade, Rogers attempted to mislead medical experts and investigators and even purchased props to support her deception but she was observed on several occasions walking and running unaided.