Woman in disbelief after finding 'incredible' valuable item dumped inside her bin

A woman couldn't believe her luck after putting her bin out
-Credit: (Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

A woman is over the moon after she went to put her rubbish out and stumbled upon a treasure in her bin.

The prized find was none other than a Le Creuset casserole dish, valued at a whopping £300. Delighted with her unexpected haul, she took to X (formerly known as Twitter) to share a picture of the high-end cookware, writing: "I just took the trash out and found this in my dumpster."

These coveted pots are available in various hues, with 'Flame' being a popular choice stateside. She later posted a follow-up video showing the pot's grimy interior, which she tackled with a scouring pad, managing to get it looking nearly new again.

Her post quickly caught fire online, leading others to express their astonishment at her find. One X user commented: "I have that same one," adding incredulously: "Who on Earth would throw that out?!"

Another quipped about the upmarket nature of the discarded item: "The most middle class flytipping ever!" Meanwhile, a third chimed in with: "And they say there are no 'free chickens' running around in the street! Congrats, that thing looks like it's in incredible condition."

A fourth shared their own experience: "Reminds me of some of the things I've found at garage sales, someone gets married and relatives shower them w/expensive cookware. But nobody in the house can handle anything beyond microwaving a TV dinner. So, the expensive hardware sits gathering dust for a few years, then ends up dumped for pennies on the dollar, or chucked into the trash."

The renowned Cast Iron Round Casserole, priced at a hefty £300, might seem like a significant investment for a pot. However, its design ensures longevity, meaning you should only need to purchase it once.

The cast iron material guarantees sturdiness and top-notch quality, and it will absorb flavours over time, enhancing your culinary creations each time you use it.