Woman had 'sex with Jack Grealish' on night she was 'raped by Benjamin Mendy's friend', court hears

A woman had sex with England star Jack Grealish on the night it is alleged she was raped by Benjamin Mendy's friend, a court has heard.

Grealish, 27, and his Manchester City teammate, had been at the China White nightclub before going back to Mendy's Cheshire mansion in Prestbury when the women were attacked, Chester Crown Court heard.

One, 23, said she was raped by Mendy's co-accused, Louis Saha Matturie, 41, in a car when they went to get more drink.

She told a second girl, 17, who claims 28-year-old Mendy raped her, she had also had sex with Grealish, the court was told.

Both Mendy and Matturie deny multiple sex offences against a string of young women.

On Friday, jurors were played a police interview from the young woman accusing Mendy and Matturie of rape.

Seventeen at the time, she says Mendy raped her twice at his home during the gathering.

After leaving the Manchester nightclub in the early hours of 23 August last year, the teenager got a taxi with three other girls and one of Matturie's friends to Mendy's house, where the girls had their mobile phones taken away before going inside, the court was told.

It is then claimed Matturie led the 23-year-old woman away "hand in hand" to get more alcohol because, the witness told police, "Jack had been demanding vodka".

Matturie then allegedly raped the 23-year-old in the car they used to go to a shop before returning to the house.

The 17-year-old told police: "I asked her what happened. I took her to the toilet. She's absolutely distraught, in hysterics.

"She just told me she had fallen asleep in the car and woke up with the feeling of him pushing inside her."

The teenager told police she felt "uncomfortable" and did not know what to do but had no phone to call for help.

Later, in a lounge area, she said Mendy began "checking her out" before leading her to an office with a secure lock.

Inside the office, Mendy allegedly raped the teenager twice.

She told police: "We did not talk about sex beforehand and afterwards we did not talk about it.

"There was nothing of the sort to suggest we were going to engage in sex."

Afterwards, the 17-year-old went to find the 23-year-old woman and found her in a lounge.

She told police: "She told me she had sex with Jack.

"I don't know whether that was consensual or non-consensual. I don't know what that was. But she was talking about it.

"I know that this was after I had been with Ben, because after she had gone to bed with Ben as well.

"She had been taken up to a room with Ben. This was a bedroom."

The teenager said she was raped in a cinema room by Matturie after being raped by Mendy.

She said she saw Grealish "passed out" in the house.

She said she was raped again by Matturie at a Manchester flat on the same day.

Mendy denies seven counts of rape, one count of attempted rape and one count of sexual assault against six young women.

Matturie, of Eccles, Salford, denies six counts of rape and three counts of sexual assault relating to seven young women.

Both men say if any sex did take place with women or girls it was consensual.

The trial continues.