Woman to launch gin business after cancer diagnosis ‘turned life upside-down’

Brooke Darlington with husband Robert Darlington <i>(Image: Brooke Darlington)</i>
Brooke Darlington with husband Robert Darlington (Image: Brooke Darlington)

A woman is preparing to launch a gin-making business in Whalley after her cancer diagnosis turned her life “upside down”.

Brooke Darlington, from Whalley, is set to launch The Nab Lab at the start of September.

This will be a gin-making business where people can distil their own flavours of gin.

Customers will get to name the gin and seal it with wax.

Brooke said: “I think Whalley is in the need of something like this. It’s not a bar it’s a lovely experience.

“It is also a great team-building experience for corporate events. It’s something a little bit different.

“You could go for a meal or a few drinks in Whalley and then come down and make your own gin. I hope it will be a lovely addition to the village.”

Brooke, who currently works in telecommunications, decided to take the plunge in pursuing her dream job after her cancer diagnosis.

She was diagnosed with cancer after finding a lump in her breast last July.

She said: “Last July I was on holiday in France. I felt a lump in my breast and it was really sore.

“Doctors said they were ’99 per cent sure’ it was a cyst. Two weeks later I was diagnosed with breast cancer.

“It was devastating and heart-breaking. It turned my world upside down.”

In September, Brooke underwent her first surgery and began chemotherapy in November.

In March she underwent a major operation, getting a double mastectomy and had her ovaries removed.

Brooke Darlington (Image: Brooke Darlington)

Brooke said the scary year has changed her perspective on life.

She said: “Something like this is life-changing and it changes your perspective on life.

“It has made me realise that we are not invincible and that you only get one life.

"It has made me realise what is important and that it can be taken away at any moment.

Brooke Darlington with husband Robert Darlington (Image: Brooke Darlington)

“It’s been a real journey. I always had a pipe dream to open a gin school but I have a senior corporate role and never had the time.

“I came home one night and told my husband I was going to open a gin school.”

Brooke will still work at her corporate job but hopes the new business will give her more flexibility in life and more time to spend with family.

Brooke Darlington with husband Robert and daughters Margot and Paloma (Image: Brooke Darlington)

The mum-of-two said: “My ultimate goal is to work for myself. I love gin and I have been on gin-making classes before.

"It’s made me realise I want to do something that is just for me.

“Doing the things you love and making memories are so much more important.

“It will give me more flexibility and the chance to be at home with my family more. I love my corporate job and I am not quitting any time soon but I want to grow by business organically.”