Woman quoted £3k for 'dream haircut' flies 6,000 miles to Turkey for cheaper trim

A woman who was stunned at the extortionate price quoted for her "dream haircut" went to extreme measures to get a cheaper trim. Bryn Elise was told it would cost a whopping $4,000 (£3,150) to have her hair bleached, toned, and cut, with 24-inch extensions added, at her at her local salon in the US.

Unable to stomahc the huge fee but still desperate for the professional cut, she decided to fly halfway across the globe to get the treatment done for a fraction of the price, The Mirror reports.

Bryn flew over 6,000 miles to Turkey to get the work done for just £350 - and decided to turn it into a holiday. She documented her trip on TikTok, revealing that the treatment, along with her flights and two weeks in Turkey, still cost less than the quote from her hometown salon.

Bryn flew over 6,000 miles to get her 'dream' haircut for less
Bryn flew over 6,000 miles to get her 'dream' haircut for less -Credit:tiktok.com/@bryn.elise

Bryn, who was delighted with the final results, captioned the viral video: "When you get quoted $4000 to get your dream hair in the US so you fly to Turkey and get it done there instead. It cost less including my two-week vacation here."

Giving more details in the comments, Bryn - who goes by @bryn.elise on TikTok, clarified that her local haridresser wasn't "trying to rip [her] off", but that the huge price tag left her gobsmacked and led her to look for other options.

She said: "First off, I love my salon in the US - they do an amazing job. But $4,000 for anything is enough to make my jaw drop so I went looking for alternatives. I paid $450 plus tip in Turkey for 8 hours of blonding, toning, and high-quality 24" hair extensions for my super thick hair!

Bryn was delighted with her treatment - and got a two-week holiday into the bargain
Bryn was delighted with her treatment - and got a two-week holiday into the bargain -Credit:tiktok.com/@bryn.elise

"No, my salon in the US wasn't trying to rip me off, I've been going to them for years and they've been slowly increasing their prices to keep up with demand. But when they raised extension prices for my colour, length and amount from $2000 to $3000, I figured with the colour I needed, treatments and tip it would come out to be over $4000 and that's why I chose Turkey."

Revealing how she ended up deciding on a trip to Turkey, Bryn said: "I took a look at my favourite 'hair inspiration picture' I had saved on Instagram, saw that the stylist who did it lives in Turkey and thought, if I'm going to spend a small fortune on my hair I might as well get it done by my dream stylist!

"Two months later, I made it to Turkey, got my dream hair done by my dream stylist for $450 and fell in love with this beautiful country along the way!"

TikTok users were stunned at the step intial quote for Bryn's work, but many flooded the comments section with compliments for the results of her Turkey treatment.

One person said: "For $4k I better be 20lbs lighter and 20 years younger when they're done!" Another replied: "$450 is a steal for this hair, blonde girls get it. The toning, colouring and lifting. You look fantastic!"

Bryn shelled out a total of $2,200 (£1,700) on her flights, hair appointment, and a two-week stay in Turkey - effectively saving herself almost half the cost compared to getting her haircut in the US - and enjoying a holiday into the bargain.

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