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Woman reveals the ‘iconic’ ways she and her sister tried to get rid of their dad’s girlfriend: ‘Parent trap dupe’

Do we always like our parents’ significant others? Not necessarily, but this TikTok user once went to extreme lengths to try and get rid of her dad’s girlfriend.

Singer-songwriter Liberty Áva Walker (@libertyavawalker) got candid about the time she and her sister tried to sabotage their dad’s girlfriend at the time — and it’s pretty savage. As some commenters note, Liberty’s story is giving The Parent Trap, the 1998 movie starring Lindsay Lohan as twin sisters who act similarly toward their father’s fiancée.

“My dad cheated on my mom with this woman, who, obviously surprise, surprise, was a younger woman.”

“Here are some iconic things me and my older sister did to get rid of one of my dad’s girlfriends,” she says, before revealing that her dad was unfaithful to her mom with the woman in question.

“So just a little backstory… My dad cheated on my mom with this woman, who, obviously surprise, surprise, was a younger woman. Of course. They all do it,” she says. “Me and my older sister did not like this girl because she didn’t like us, and we gave her no reason to dislike us at first. We were so nice to her considering she was a home wrecker.”

According to Liberty, the woman pretended to like her and her sister. Behind closed doors, however, she would tell Liberty’s dad that she wanted them to go home. Liberty and her sister, by the way, flew to New York to be with them during this time.

Already “feeling unwelcome” in their “own dad’s apartment,” Liberty says they took matters into their own hands.

Their first tactic? To use the woman’s toothbrush as “a cleaning tool.”

“Just like, if anything needed a little clean we would use her toothbrush to do that,” she says.

Next up, they took inspiration from 2004’s Mean Girls, also starring Lindsay Lohan.

“You know when they cut the holes in the shirts?” she says, referencing a scene in the film. “My dad used to buy her like loads of really expensive clothes, so we would just chop like random bits…like a moth had like attacked it for like a few months.”

The woman also had a favorite nail polish, which Liberty says she filled with Gorilla Glue so “they were just not usable at all.”

“I was like 9-years-old and I absolutely hated a woman who had ruined my family and caused my mom so much pain.”

Liberty notes, however, that she and her sister “felt a bit bad doing these things” because “you do get karma.”

“When you’re watching this video, just know I would never do anything like this to someone again,” she says. “I was like 9-years-old and I absolutely hated a woman who had ruined my family and caused my mom so much pain.”

“You did nothing wrong”

In one week of posting, Liberty’s video has 7.5 million views and 1.4 million likes. TikTokers in the comments assured Liberty that her actions were justified, given the situation.

“I would be more mad at my dad,” someone said.

“as you should,” another wrote.

“Parent trap dupe,” one TikToker replied, referencing the 1998 film The Parent Trap.

“You did nothing wrong,” one user commented.

Liberty may not have acted in the most mature manner, but based on the circumstance it is difficult to fault her for behaving in such a way — especially given her age at the time.

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