Woman's blood vessels so weak they ruptured during surgery

The Royal Cornwall Hospital and Derriford Hospital have been put on the highest level of alert because they are too busy and can't cope with patient numbers pressure
Katherine Horton died at Royal Cornwall Hospital from recognised complications following necessary surgery -Credit:Hugh Hastings/ Getty Images

A woman with a history of alcohol abuse died from known complications from surgery because her abdomen veins were too weak and ruptured, an inquest heard. Katherine Horton, 38, from the Camelford area, had been battling alcohol dependency for 13 years and was diagnosed with alcohol related liver disease and chronic pancreatitis as well as alcoholic hepatitis.

An inquest into her death held in Truro today (Monday April 15) heard how she was referred by her GP to the gastro team at the Royal Cornwall Hospital at Treliske for a paracentesis procedure. The operation involves inserting a thin needle or tube into the abdomen to remove fluid from the peritoneal cavity - the space within the abdomen that contains the intestines, the stomach and the liver.

However, gastroenterology consultant Paul Fortun told the inquest that he reviewed the procedure he noted abnormal bleeding inside Kate's abdomen and thought at first it was from the procedure itself. In a statement read out in court he said that one to three percent of patients undergoing the procedure suffer from complications with 50 per cent of them dying from such complications within 30 days.

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He said: "There is no evidence of direct puncture of the blood vessel from when the drain or needle was placed. I am sure it was not due to a human error."

In his statement he said it was more likely that the blood vessels in Kate's abdomen had been weakened by a long alcohol habit and ruptured when she went into theatre.

Kate's father told the hearing that she started drinking with her partner when living in Oxfordshire then in London and relapsed into her bad habit despite keeping her drinking addiction under control when her mother died. Kate died at Treliske on August 16 last year.

Assistant coroner for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly Guy Davies said an effort to address Kate's symptoms led to the fatal gastro haemorrhage. He said the surgery had been necessary to drain the fluids in her abdomen but blood vessels ruptured due to their fragility from alcohol abuse.

He concluded: "Kate died from recognised complications following necessary surgery."