Woman's life turns into horror movie after receiving terrifying 'gift' in post

She reported the 'gift' to the police (stock)
She reported the 'gift' to the police (stock) -Credit:Getty Images

A woman's life turned into a scene straight out of a horror flick after she received a chilling 'gift' in the post from an unknown sender. She recounted the eerie experience, noting that she had only moved into her new abode 10 months prior and had been careful to only share her address with her inner circle.

Yet, upon returning home one day, she was greeted by an unexpected letter from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in her mailbox. Puzzled, as she knew no one from that area, her curiosity turned to alarm when she opened it to find a disturbing three-word note saying: "Thinking of you", accompanied by a small bag of what appeared to be finger or toenails.

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In search of explanations, she took to Reddit with the bizarre 'gift', questioning the community: "Why would someone send this? " She elaborated on her concern, stating: "I'm looking for reasons why someone would send this to someone? It was addressed to me. I've only been at this house 10 months. I live in the Midwest and don't know anyone in Pennsylvania."

Since the unsettling discovery, the woman has tightened her social media privacy and scrubbed personal details from public view. She shared: "I filed a police report but they didn't seem too interested. I gave it to a coworker to hold onto, I don't want it in my house but also it could be evidence someday... It's just so bizarre and the longer it goes without knowing, makes it creepier.", reports the Mirror.

Users on her post expressed alarm, with one commenting: "I guess they were thinking of you... with all the horrors that entails."

Another remarked: "It's just someone trying to scare you by making you think they know voodoo or Wiccan. Everybody knows it's the victim's hair and blood wax you use when making a voodoo doll.."

Another chimed in: "Damn that's creepy! Stay safe and vigilant, friend."

And yet another added: "In certain cultures, things like nail clippings and hair are used to place a hex/curse on a person. Sort of like voodoo. Make of that what you will. ".