Women fight in 8am road rage brawl at traffic lights as witnesses try to break them up

Two women were captured on camera in an early morning road rage brawl amid rush hour traffic queues. Witnesses told how the pair began to grab at each other's hair and face after an argument broke out at traffic lights.

One told how the fight happened at about 8am in Denton, Greater Manchester on Tuesday after one driver jumped the queue. The fight was captured in a video which has since gone viral on social media.

According to one person who filmed the incident the row started after one of the drivers "pushed into the queue at the traffic lights" close to a junction. The second woman was "screaming" and told her "to get out of her" before the fight erupted, reports the Manchester Evening News.

Footage shows the two women appearing to push and grapple with each other, both grabbing at the other's face and hair in the middle of the road. As the brawl continued one of the pair yelled "you've got your babies in the car."

It was then that a man tried to separate the two as well as another woman who was in a car behind. Thousands of people have commented on the post on social media.

One wrote:"Wow. Fantastic behaviour in front of your children. Unfit parent right there."

A further comment added: "Them poor kids witnessing this... shameful." Another added: "Imagine having that much energy in the morning."