Worcester teen's protest against school uniform rules sparks debate

Nunnery Wood High School student Nikita Tkachuk, 17, went to school in a skirt in protest of the school's refusal to allow students to wear shorts during hot weather <i>(Image: Nikita Tkachuk)</i>
Nunnery Wood High School student Nikita Tkachuk, 17, went to school in a skirt in protest of the school's refusal to allow students to wear shorts during hot weather (Image: Nikita Tkachuk)

A Worcester teenager wearing a skirt to protest his school's uniform rules has prompted a range of opinions on what young people are wearing to class.

Nunnery Wood High School student, Nikita Tkachuk, 17, wore a skirt to class, clashing with his school's the policy that boys must wear long trousers, even during heatwaves.

Supporters and critics took to Facebook to voice their thoughts.

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Nicky Sargent commented: "The whole concept of uniform could do with an update - even many workplaces don’t insist on ties now, so why subject children to them - absolutely pointless.

"Likewise blazers - they’re far too hot in summer and of no real warmth in winter.

"With modern materials I’d think there were much better ways of equipping children to be comfortable and ready for learning?"

Tina Pincott added: "Shorts, a skirt, whatever they choose".

Jai Barnes told a personal anecdote relating to the topic, commenting: My child got heat stroke last year from being forced to wear black trousers and a blazer in serious heat.

"It’s total madness."

Richard Alexis Gŵynfryn Morris was in agreement, saying: "Yes of course.

"The whole argument is completely ridiculous."

Amanda Cartwright shared her own experience from the 80s and 90s, writing: "There was a strict uniform code and those that wore trousers thought it was unfair - and not equal as females had to wear a skirt."

She labelled it "a stupid rule then and a stupid rule now."

Roni Skye agreed, saying: "Yes, why not?

"If they are tailored to match uniform, I don't see the problem.

"It gives them a choice in hot weather to wear long or short."

Abi Watkins also voiced her support for uniform reform, commenting: "Perhaps if schools focus on how to encourage their students to be comfortable, they would find positive effects on their grades as well as their reputation."

Contrastingly, Liam Wozencroft wrote: "Kids should go to school and do as they’re told like I was.

"Yeah, I didn’t like it, but I was a child and had no say."