Worm Moon With 'Shimmering Edges' Rises in Ohio Night Sky

March’s full moon, also known as the “worm moon,” shone bright in the night sky on Tuesday, March 7.

Footage by astronomer Dean Regas shows the full moon at 6:57 pm at the Cincinnati Observatory in Ohio. “Check out the shimmering edges. It was so jagged in the telescope like looking at a mirage,” the caption read.

The moon gets its name from the time of year, as earthworms become visible again with the thawing of the ground. Credit: Dean Regas, Astronomer Cincinnati Observatory via Storyful

Video transcript

- You need a-- like a theme song.


You need to have it, like, all put together.



- Is it focusing?

- It's trying to.

- It's trying to. I was going to say, it's probably a challenge for it.

- A little bit. You can see it right on the horizon there, like on the tree line.

- You need the-- like a theme song.


You need to have it, like, all put together.



- Is it focusing?

- It's trying to.

- It's trying to. I was going to say, it's probably a challenge for it.

- A little bit. You can see it right on the horizon there, like on the tree line.

- You need the-- like a theme song.


You need to have it, like, all put together.



- Is it focusing?

- It's trying to.

- It's trying to. I was going to say, it's probably a challenge for it.

- A little bit. You can see it right on the horizon there, like on the tree line.