Worthing selects new mayor

Councillor Ibsha Choudhury has been appointed as major of Worthing <i>(Image: Worthing Borough Council)</i>
Councillor Ibsha Choudhury has been appointed as major of Worthing (Image: Worthing Borough Council)

A new mayor has been selected for Worthing.

Councillor Ibsha Choudhury takes over the position from Councillor Jon Roser.

Cllr Choudhury, who represents Castle Ward on Worthing Borough Council, has been the deputy mayor of Worthing for the last 12 months.

He was unanimously voted in as mayor of Worthing for 2024/25 at the council's annual meeting.

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Cllr Choudhury said: “I’m delighted to have been elected as mayor of Worthing. It is a privilege to take on this civic role for our wonderful town.”

This year the mayor’s charities will be mental health group West Sussex Mind, grief support charity Andy’s Angels and Friends of Palatine, which helps fund activities at Palatine Primary School.

Councillor Helen Abrahams, who represents Heene Ward, was unanimously voted in as deputy mayor.

Councillor Beccy Cooper was re-elected as leader of Worthing Borough Council.