X Factor: Seann Miley Moore Joins The Live Tour

If you’ve already got your X Factor live tour tickets or if you’re looking for an excuse to splash out on a pair, then we’ve got some exciting news as Seann Miley Moore has joined the line-up.



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Last week, ITV announced that one eliminated act would be joining the final seven X Factor acts on the big live tour next year - another twist that’s never been done before on the show.

Bupsi, Alien Uncovered, Kiera Weathers, Seann Miley Moore, Max Stone and Monica Michael were all in the running for a space on the tour next to Anton Stephans, 4th Impact, Reggie ‘N’ Bollie, Louisa Johnson, Lauren Murray, Che Chesterman and Mason Noise.

Lucky number eight was finally revealed on last night’s Xtra Factor, which Seann was on, with Nick Grimshaw saying: “​We thought Seann Miley Moore should be on that tour, so you’re coming on the tour!”

Seann himself later tweeted: “IM BACK B*TCHES!!!,” before writing to his mentor Grimmy: “yaaas all the boys r back;)”.

Nick then replied simply saying “yay!” with a little heart emoji. N’aww.

Seann also tweeted The X Factor to say thank you, adding: “I can sleep tight tonight!!”

The tour starts in February and runs through until the 12th March. If you fancy getting your grubby mitts on some tickets, all the information you need is here.

Congratulations, Seann! See you on the tour (we can’t WAIT!).