Pictured at Dovestones, one of the last images of a loved 21-year-old before his horrific death

Junaid Khan
-Credit: (Image: Family handout)

The family of a young man gunned down in a car park 15 years ago today have spoken out to mark the anniversary, saying they 'yearn' for his presence - and for justice. Shop worker Junaid Khan, just 21 years-old, was murdered near to a doctor's surgery.

Despite a criminal trial, nobody has ever been convicted over his death - and Tuesday marks 15 years to the day he lost his life in a hail of bullets fired from a sub-machine gun in 2009. On the tenth anniversary of his murder, a £50,000 reward was offered for information leading to arrests and convictions.

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Junaid's sister said it still 'hurts' when family milestones pass by without him. She said the health of her parents - Junaid's mother and father - is worsening 'daily as they age' and said they still seek justice for their son, her brother.

The family, meanwhile, has also released one of the last ever photographs taken of Junaid. He's pictured weeks before his death at beauty spot Dovestones reservoir in Oldham.

Greater Manchester Police detectives, meanwhile, stressed 'a case is never closed until we have secured justice'. "We know that loyalties change over the course of time, and it just takes one piece of new evidence to help us get Junaid's family the closure they deserve," the force said.

Junaid's sister, Raheela Durrani, told the Manchester Evening News: "We yearn for Junaid's presence, his touch and joyful laughter everyday. It hurts so much when we unlock new milestones in life and celebrate these as a family without Junaid.

Forensic investigators at the scene in 2009 -Credit:Manchester Evening News.
Forensic investigators at the scene in 2009 -Credit:Manchester Evening News.

"We still can't believe his murder remains unsolved and we will never rest until we get justice and closure. The justice system may not be able to help us, but we trust God hears our prayers and he is the most just in all affairs.

"We urge the public to share any information that could help us close this chapter and get us the justice we want and deserve."

Ms Durrani has named her son Junaid after her brother, his nephew.

A gunman fired 17 bullets from a sub-machine gun at Junaid as he walked back to his car near the Block Lane surgery in Chadderton, Oldham, shortly after he met up with friends and his then girlfriend.

Three men stood trial in 2011 for the killing, but were cleared by a jury.

The prosecution at the trial alleged the killing was the climax of a 'long-standing' feud and the court heard Junaid had told a friend just days before the shooting that he feared 'something bad was going to happen'. A stolen Mitsubishi Shogun 4X4 was found burnt out later.

Mumtaz Khan, right, holds a picture of his son, Junaid Khan, alongside Junaid's brother, Mohd Imitaz Khan, left -Credit:MEN Media
Mumtaz Khan, right, holds a picture of his son, Junaid Khan, alongside Junaid's brother, Mohd Imitaz Khan, left -Credit:MEN Media

Initially, a fifth suspect was wanted in connection with the case. He is believed to be in Pakistan, but Crown lawyers later advised police there was no case to pursue in relation to him.

Police said Junaid was gunned down from behind and shot again at close range with an automatic weapon as he lay on the ground.

At the time his family described him as a 'very trusting person'.

They released a statement through police saying: "Junaid was respectful, loving and caring. He was a much-loved son, brother and uncle. His death has collapsed the world around us. He was always there, always there for everyone around him and he was always there to support us.

"Our hearts will never be at peace and Junaid's soul will never rest until the people who did this are punished."

Junaid, one of five siblings, would have turned 36 last month.

Ms Durrani added: "Those that are withholding information do so willingly and will be dealt with by God accordingly."

She said that although 15 years have gone by, 'it only seems like yesterday for us'.

Junaid Khan -Credit:Manchester Evening News.
Junaid Khan -Credit:Manchester Evening News.

"My parents' health conditions are worsening daily as they age and because of how they crave for justice," she said.

"July 9, 2009, is engraved in our memory and hearts and all that happened to Junaid that night will never be forgotten. Please come forward if there is anything you know about Junaid's murder."

Detective Sergeant Clare Smith, from GMP's Cold Case Unit, told the M.E.N.: "We are coming up to the 15th anniversary of Junaid's death and I'd like to take this opportunity to stress that a case is never closed until we have secured justice.

"It's never right that a parent should have to bury their child and we cannot comprehend the pain that Junaid's family have had to endure all these years in not knowing what has happened to him. We know that 15 years is a long time, but with cases like this, someone, somewhere knows what happened to him and any information passed to us will be assessed and treated with the utmost seriousness.

"For whatever reason they did not come forward, it's never too late. We know that loyalties change over the course of time, and it just takes one piece of new evidence to help us get Junaid’s family the closure they deserve.

"Anyone with information about Junaid’s murder should contact us on 0161 856 5978, 101 or through the independent charity Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111."