York's election candidates go head to head at busy hustings

York Outer's Labour candidate Luke Charters (left) and York Central's Conservative candidate Richard Hudson (right) spoke at the hustings <i>(Image: Supplied)</i>
York Outer's Labour candidate Luke Charters (left) and York Central's Conservative candidate Richard Hudson (right) spoke at the hustings (Image: Supplied)

York's election candidates went head to head at a hustings event.

Candidates from five political parties, including Conservative and Labour, were given the opportunity to speak in front of a large gathering of students in York College’s Atrium.

Six of those present: Richard Hudson (Conservative), Roger James (Independent), Ruairi Kendall (Independent), Lars Kramm (Green), Alasdair Lord (Independent) and Alan Page (Liberal Democrat) – are fighting for the York Central seat, while the other two: Luke Charters (Labour) and David Eadington (Yorkshire Party) - were standing for York Outer.

York College said that Reform UK was invited to participate but did not attend.

The hustings lasted just over an hour with candidates answering questions supplied by students after delivering opening addresses to introduce themselves and their election priorities.

The discussion was hosted by York College & University Centre Principal and Chief Executive Ken Merry.

A General Election hustings was held at York College (Image: Supplied)

Mr Merry said: "I am delighted with the cross-party representation at the York College General Election Hustings. It is vital that we ensure our young people are not forgotten in the General Election and being able to pose their questions to the people wanting to represent them is vital.

"The debate and discussion made it clear that whoever is elected to serve the communities of York Central or York Outer will be able to stand up for the needs of our local people. Our students are arguably the future professionals who will help support our country’s economy over the next 30 or 40 years, so their voices are important in this General Election.

"Giving them a platform where they can engage with people who should be listening to them is significant. Who knows, we may even have one of two future Members of Parliament in our student body."

The candidates were quizzed on their stances on education with Mr Charters raising Labour’s intention to increase the number of qualified teachers.


Mr Hudson showed statistics that indicated Ofsted ratings had risen in York under the current Conservative Government and outlined his party’s commitment to investing into apprenticeships, paid for by the cutting of certain university courses.

The Liberal Democrats’ Mr Page raised the need to retain the services of teachers by making the profession more attractive and raising salaries.

Mr Kramm, confirmed that the Green Party would improve teaching wages whilst ending university tuition fees.

Mr Eadington said he would look to introduce free bus and rail passes for all young people attending college, university or apprenticeships.

Independent candidate Mr Lord said tuition fees should be abolished and called for reductions in teachers’ working hours and class sizes.

Mr James suggested that he would like students to be taught more about the law and reiterated the need for more teachers in the profession.