Yosemite Waterfall Produces Gorgeous Lunar Rainbows

A combination of mist and lighting created a magical scene of lunar rainbows forming on the waterfalls at Yosemite National Park, California.

Photographer Shreenivasan Manievannan captured the stunning scenes in timelapse footage shot on the nights of May 22 and 23.

“This year the above average snow pack resulted in a good show of moonbows over the famous Yosemite Waterfall," Manievannan told Storyful.

He said he was able to capture “the mist forming the lunar rainbows and the star trail images of the full moon lit sky”.

A moonbow, much like its daytime equivalent, is formed when light from the moon is refracted through water droplets in the air. Credit: Shreenivasan Manievannan via Storyful