Young at Art hosts Saturday class

Jan. 28—GOSHEN — Three renowned painters were in the spotlight of a Saturday morning class exposing kids to their work.

Amanda Wagner is owner of Young at Art, located at 212 W. Washington St., near the Goshen Farmers Market. Her class focused on French Post-Impressionist art by Georges Seurat, Expressionism by Edvard Munch, and a technique known as tessolations by M.C. Escher.

As the class was nearing its end, with about eight kids taking part, Wagner said it was going "super."

"This class is about every other month," she said. "It's an introduction to art history."

Drawing from the works of the three focus artists, Wagner said the class allowed the kids to develop their own creations.

"We like to look at the works, talk about it and then create our own versions," she added.

Follow Young at Art on Facebook or Instagram, or contact Wagner directly at

Steve Wilson is news editor for The Goshen News. You can reach him at