Young Edinburgh student discovered she was pregnant during last year of course

Pastrycja Cwalina, 24, with her bump and dissertation.
-Credit: (Image: Edinburgh Napier University.)

An Edinburgh mum is collecting her degree just weeks after giving birth to her little girl, Lydia.

Graduate Pastrycja Cwalina, 24, welcomed her daughter into the world on June 13, and after returning home she discovered that she had managed to complete her accounting degree at Napier University.

Originally from Lubin Poland but having moved to Edinburgh nearly a decade ago, the new mum admitted that her final few months were 'challenging' as she wrestled with pregnancy and sitting exams as well as holding down a job.

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"It was a little bit challenging," Pastrycja said. "Thankfully I didn't have much morning sickness, but the first three months of my pregnancy did come at the same time as exams!

"It was stressful, but Lydia made it easy for me. I’m so proud of myself that I managed to finish my studies while being pregnant and working.

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"I feel like this is my biggest achievement and as hard as it was, I’m really happy I got to experience my final year with my daughter in my womb. She gave me strength and I wanted to do the best for her to have better future."

Three-week-old Lydia, along with Patrycja’s partner Ryan, were able to celebrate her mum’s achievement at Edinburgh’s Usher Hall on Thursday July 4.

Baby Lydia arrived just three weeks before graduation.
Baby Lydia arrived just three weeks before graduation. -Credit:Edinburgh Napier University.

Patrycja joined hundreds of peers from The Business School at Edinburgh Napier University in celebrating the completion of their studies at the Usher Hall.

Now she is planning to turn her attention to settling in as a family, with a new graduate job on the horizon.

She added: "I did a placement which led to a job offer, which I'll start in September.

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“That's what kept me motivated during my final year - that I'd have a few months to enjoy with Lydia, then I can start work.

"I picked Edinburgh Napier because of the enthusiasm of the lecturers - you can tell that they really care about what they're doing. I have had such a great experience here."