Young gymnasts from Carterton club enjoy success at county competition

Carterton Gymnastic Club  at the Oxfordshire Individual Apparatus and Under Eights Competition <i>(Image: Carterton Gymnastic Club)</i>
Carterton Gymnastic Club at the Oxfordshire Individual Apparatus and Under Eights Competition (Image: Carterton Gymnastic Club)

Carterton Gymnastic Club took 30 of its members to the Oxfordshire Individual Apparatus and Under Eights Competition on Sunday and enjoyed widespread success.

The event, held on June 30, saw 170 competitors from around the county taking part in various categories.

Members of the Carterton club, aged between five and 14, competed across categories including under eights, tin, zinc, and bronze levels.

Carterton Gymnastic Club at the Oxfordshire Individual Apparatus and Under Eights Competition (Image: Carterton Gymnastic Club)

The gymnasts, from diverse training backgrounds including intermediate classes and development, club, and county squads, were coached throughout the day by Rachel and Hayley.

Their efforts were well rewarded as many Carterton gymnasts secured top finishes.

Debra Courtenay-Crane, managing director, said: "We are thrilled with the performance of our gymnasts.

Carterton Gymnastic Club at the Oxfordshire Individual Apparatus and Under Eights Competition (Image: Carterton Gymnastic Club)

"Many of our athletes achieved podium finishes, while others secured commendable placements in the top six.

"Every participant showed tremendous dedication and skill, making us immensely proud."

Notable individual achievements include Baileigh and Kornelia both taking first on floor, Phoebe securing second for floor, and Lily and Angelmai claiming first on bars.

Carterton Gymnastic Club at the Oxfordshire Individual Apparatus and Under Eights Competition (Image: Carterton Gymnastic Club)

Meanwhile, Lola claimed third on vault, Rosa achieved first on vault and both Leah and Evie clinched first on the beam.

The club was also represented by three qualified judges - Kate, Holly, and Ella.

The club said it "continues to foster a supportive environment where young gymnasts can develop their talents and achieve their personal bests".

It added it looks forward to building on the success in future competitions.