Young woman's dreams shattered as she's told she will 'never have kids'

Holly Davies was diagnosed with cancer earlier this year
-Credit: (Image: Julie White)

A young woman has been told she will never be able to get pregnant after being diagnosed with ovarian cancer.

Holly Davies, from Widnes, was diagnosed with ovarian cancer earlier this year after complaining she felt unwell. Following the diagnosis the 26-year-old has had her ovaries removed, meaning she will never be able to carry her own children.

Close family friend, Julie White, told the ECHO how tough the last few months have been for Holly and her family, she recalled how Holly finding out she "couldn't have children" has been a "big thing" for her.

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Speaking to the ECHO Julie, 47, said: "She was sick towards the end of last year and at the beginning of this year they found out she had ovarian cancer. She was told it was stage four and she had to have a full hysterectomy. She can't have children, which has been a big thing for her. She is now on her second round of chemo.

"It has been very very challenging for the family. Ste's [Stephen Davies Holly's dad] sister just died from cancer after a 16-year battle, so I would say it has been very tough, it's a tough time for them.

"Holly has a very strong determined mindset to beat this, she has kept a positive attitude throughout it all despite being back and forth from hospital. She has had a few complications this year as well, so has been in hospital for a lot of it. It has been very tough for the family."

Holly Davies with her dad Stephen
Holly Davies with her dad Stephen -Credit:Julie White

Holly was also diagnosed with autism and dyspraxia in October 2018. Watching Holly struggle through the last few months made Julie want to do something to give back to the family - she has set up a GoFundMe page to fundraise money in hope of giving Holly a better life.

Julie said: "I used to run a business in Liverpool and for 11 years her parents supported it. When I closed my business down I then went on to train as a pelvic health specialist. Our daughters are similar in age, my daughter is 20 and Holly is 26, and when Ste said about Holly having cancer and how frail she looked it just hit home for me...not only as a mother but also as a pelvic health practitioner too.

"I was just like 'wow,' this has hit hard. I just thought 'what can I do to help?'

"I have a friend who owned a cabin retreat so I reached out to Ste and offered them the cabin for a few days respite. He told me money is really tight because they have been back and forth to the hospital. So, I came up with the idea of setting up a GoFundMe page to raise money for Holly and give her a boost.

"I'm fundraising to give Holly a good life, to be able to do things with her life. She's dreaming of going to see her favourite band in London and this money could do that for her. It's to give her a boost, and to know that she can have something good to look forward to - to keep a positive forward momentum for her.

"These people [Holly's mum and dad] have supported me for 11 years, so I knew that I had to do something to help."

Holly's parents, dad, Stephen, and mum, Jane, have both been struggling since Holly's diagnosis, says Julie. She added: "Jane is a very strong woman and she has not been able to do that well since going through this. Ste is an actor and his work has been minimalised while he has been staying in hospital with Holly."

You can donate to the GoFundMe for Holly here.

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