UPDATE: Yousaf confirms resignation

First Minister Humza Yousaf speaks during a press conference at Bute House
First Minister Humza Yousaf speaks during a press conference at Bute House -Credit:Andrew Milligan/PA Wire

Humza Yousaf has confirmed that he will resign as Scottish National Party leader and First Minister, avoiding having to face a no confidence vote in his leadership.

He had been battling for his political survival after terminating the powersharing deal between the SNP and Scottish Greens on Thursday.

He was facing a vote of no confidence, tabled by the Scottish Conservatives, while Scottish Labour had tabled one of no confidence in the Scottish Government as a whole, with both expected to take place this week.

Yousaf has said he had “underestimated” the level of hurt ending the power-sharing deal with the Greens would have.

While he said it was “the right decision”, he said: “Unfortunately in ending the Bute House Agreement in the matter I did I clearly underestimate the level of hurt and upset that caused Green colleagues.

“For a minority government to be able to govern effectively trust when working with the opposition is clearly fundamental.”

He added a route through the no-confidence vote was “absolutely possible”, while stating: “I am not willing to trade in my values or principles or do deals with whomever simply for retaining power.”

Speaking at Bute House just after noon on Tuesday, Yousaf said he made the decision in order to “repair our relationship across the political divide” in Scotland.

He will continue to serve as First Minister in the interim until a suitable replacement is found.

During the press conference, he told reporters: “After spending the weekend reflecting on what is best for my party, for the government and for the country I lead, I have concluded that repairing our relationship across the political divide can only be done with someone else at the helm.

“I have therefore informed the SNP’s national secretary of my intention to stand down as party leader and ask that she commences a leadership contest for my replacement as soon as possible.”

Scottish Conservative leader Douglas Ross, who had tabled a motion of no confidence in the First Minister, said his party had “forced Humza Yousaf out of office for repeatedly failing Scotland”.

Ross insisted: “Faced with our vote of no confidence, the SNP leader has quit rather than face a humiliating defeat.”

While the Tory stressed that “on a personal level, I wish Humza Yousaf and his family well”, he added that his party “cannot forgive the damage he did to families and households across Scotland by raising taxes, letting NHS waiting lists spiral and attacking free speech”.

Meanwhile, former Scottish deputy first minister John Swinney said it would be a “difficult day”.

However, he refused to rule out standing to be SNP leader if this would prevent a vote of no confidence in the Scottish Government.

Swinney, who was speaking at an event being staged by the Resolution Foundation on 25 years of devolution, said: “I will consider what the First Minister says and reflect on that.

“I may well have more to say at a later stage during the week.”

Meanwhile, SNP MSP Michelle Thomson told BBC Radio Scotland on Monday morning that she had heard “rumours” Mr Yousaf was considering stepping down.

Thomson, who was part of Kate Forbes’ campaign for leadership last year, said: “I’m hearing the same rumours (that the First Minister is considering stepping down) and I think we’re all waiting to see what the actual position is.

“I guess the rumours suggest that something is afoot, but I honestly can’t clarify because I’ve had no update nor, as I understand, have my MSP group, so I guess we’ll all hear definitively one way or another this morning.”

Thomson went on to describe the First Minister as an “honourable man” who is “well liked” within the SNP Holyrood group.

Yousaf had previously insisted he would fight to stay in the job and intended to win any vote of no confidence.

But with the SNP not having a majority at Holyrood he would need to secure the backing of at least one MSP from another party to achieve this – and the Greens made clear they would not support the First Minister in the vote of no confidence he is facing.

The Scottish Green Party said Humza Yousaf’s resignation as First Minister was the “right” decision.

Co-leader Patrick Harvie said the development was “regrettable”, but welcomed the “personal responsibility” Yousaf has taken.

He said: “Humza Yousaf is right to resign. His position was no longer tenable after he broke the bonds of trust with the Scottish Greens and with everyone who wanted a stable, progressive, pro-independence government. It is regrettable that it has ended this way, it didn’t need to. We draw no satisfaction or pleasure from this.

“But the Scottish Greens could no longer have confidence in Humza Yousaf after he chose to unilaterally end the Bute House Agreement, in doing so he let down the large majority of Scottish Green and SNP members who approved the agreement who wanted it to work.

“He chose to end a stable majority government and jeopardised the progressive policy programme that both parties had committed to and were working to deliver.

“It is to his credit that he has taken personal responsibility; now though is the time to return to some stability.”

Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar has said there must be a Scottish election following Yousaf’s resignation.

“Scotland faces the biggest challenges since devolution but it now has a dysfunctional, chaotic and divided SNP government,“ he stated. “All this at a time when our country needs strong leadership to get us through the twin challenges of the economic crisis and the crisis in our NHS.

“The SNP are a divided party which is out of ideas and incapable of rising to the challenges Scotland faces.

“They cannot impose another unelected First Minister on Scotland in a backroom deal, the people of Scotland should decide who leads our country.”

Who may succeed Humza Yousaf as Scotland’s first minister?

  • Kate Forbes

The Skye, Lochaber and Badenoch MSP is perhaps the most likely replacement after she narrowly lost to Yousaf in the fiery leadership contest to replace Nicola Sturgeon just over a year ago.

And as finance secretary under Sturgeon, Forbes has been known to help her government through tough crises, stepping into the role and delivering a budget at short notice after her predecessor, Derek Mackay, resigned in 2020.

A Free Church of Scotland member, Forbes’ first run at the leadership was not smooth sailing, as her stance on social issues is at odds with many within her own party, particularly her opposition to gender reform.

A key obstacle in her leadership, however, would be the Scottish Greens, they have previously ruled out working with her over her views so it is unlikely she would command the support to effectively rule.

In the last leadership contest, Forbes did not have the backing of most of her own SNP MSPs but did win over a significant number of members, losing the closely-fought leadership election by 47.9% of the vote compared to Yousaf’s 52.1%.

  • John Swinney

The loyal deputy first minister to Sturgeon could throw his hat in the ring as an SNP MSP with significant experience.

He has been an MSP since the Scottish Parliament’s inception in 1999, serving North Tayside, and previously representing the same constituency at Westminster in 1997.

Swinney previously led his party in Holyrood between 2000 and 2004 during the SNP’s time on the opposition benches.

He has held a raft of cabinet positions, including education and finance and resigned at the same time as Sturgeon.

He also ruled himself out of the 2023 leadership race, stating he had to put his young family first. However, the SNP politician could take the reigns to unite his party in a time of turmoil.

  • Mairi McAllan

The Clydesdale MSP has been tipped as a future leader as she quickly moved up the ranks, despite only being elected in 2021.

At the age of 31, McAllan would become the youngest first minister, but her portfolio in Holyrood shows she is already capable of handling a significant brief.

The party’s rising star was given a ministerial post for environment, biodiversity and land reform in May 2021, shortly after being elected.

But, under Humza Yousaf, she quickly ascended to a cabinet post just two years later, taking on the Transport, Net Zero and Just Transition portfolio.

Her brief was widened further in February 2024 after Neil Gray was moved to Health Secretary. She became Wellbeing Economy, Net Zero and Energy Secretary.

McAllan announced she was expecting her first child in February 2024, adding she planned to take maternity leave in the summer with a scheduled return for March 2025.

  • Neil Gray

The wealth of experience held by Neil Gray could make him a likely contender for leadership.

He is thought to be the closest ally of Yousaf, but may be able to unite Parliament.

He is a former MP and became an MSP in 2021 serving as a culture and international development minister, before being promoted to Economy, Fair Work and Energy Secretary around a year later.

He stepped up to become Health Secretary following the resignation of Michael Matheson.

  • Jenny Gilruth

Former teacher Jenny Gilruth represents Mid Fife and Glenrothes and is the current Education Secretary.

Her brief is one of the toughest as she faces pressure to address the increasing issue of violence in schools.

She has also held transport minister briefs and Europe, migration and international development minister.

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