Youths seen 'on roof' of derelict college in Bramcote before huge fire ripped through building

The blaze at the former St John's College, off Chilwell Lane, Bramcote, as it looked last night (Sunday, May 12)
The blaze at the former St John's College, off Chilwell Lane, Bramcote, as it looked last night (Sunday, May 12) -Credit:Stapleford Fire Station

Youths were reportedly seen near a site where a large fire broke out at a derelict college in the moments before it went up in flames. It is the latest in a series of trouble, break-ins and small incidents reported and noticed by nearby residents.

On Sunday, May 12, several fire engines were called to the former St John's College, off Chilwell Lane, Bramcote.

The incident is understood to have started around 7pm and by 11am on Monday, May 13 crews finally left the scene. Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service had warned residents at the time to keep their windows and doors shut due to thick smoke, and tall flames could be seen coming from the building.

An update from the rescue service at 9:30pm stated that there were 10 fire engines, two aerial ladder platforms, the water bowser, command support vehicle and welfare unit in attendance. As of 7am this morning three fire engines and a police car remained at the scene.

The ruins of the former college site in Bramcote hit by fire
The ruins of the former college site in Bramcote hit by fire -Credit:Nottingham Post/Laycie Beck

St John's College, which offered theology courses, closed in December 2019 due to financial constraints after more than 150 years in operation. It has since remained an empty site with some planning applications submitted over the years. However local residents told Nottinghamshire Live that groups of youths have been going onto the site in recent months.

A retired 73 year old who lives nearby said: “It’s been broken into a few times and it’s been boarded up recently, so I thought that had stopped it. There was a small fire there only a couple of weeks ago and the fire brigade turned up and put it out quickly."

He explained he had seen some people on the roof before Sunday's incident.

Retired Graham Harris, 71, said: “I didn't hear about it until I saw it on Facebook, we didn’t smell smoke or anything.

"I have only heard that there have been issues. I tend to walk this way but I haven’t seen anything myself.”

A resident in his 70s, who wished to remain anonymous, said: “The fire brigade came about three or four weeks ago, and the police were there as well. There was a small fire set outside. There were kids there yesterday [ Sunday]. There was one on the roof...they were teenagers: probably around 15 and 16 years old.”

Regarding the teenagers allegedly spotted at the site on Sunday, a 47-year-old who lives nearby said: "I live on this street so prior to it happening I was coming back from a walk and I thought it was a bit off as there was all this electrical tape everywhere.

"Then about 20 minutes later we hear all the fire engines go past and the police go up and my daughter goes to have a look and comes back saying there’s a massive fire. Then they were going up and down here all night until about half ten.

The dog walker added: "About a month ago or maybe six weeks the police were here and talking to people about it saying they have had reports of break-ins. It's just an empty building, it's a bit of an eye sore.” She added that the antisocial behaviour has "got worse recently."

Marketing worker, Jasmine Fretwell, 20, said: “There was a fire about two weeks ago, I think it was on a Sunday. There was a police car that turned up and a fire engine.

"Recently we have had a lot of groups of young kids about. Last week my mum work up about 1am one day and she saw kids outside.

"On Sunday about an hour before [the fire] they were playing with a fire extinguisher. When I was in bed I could hear shouting outside and looked outside and there was a girl playing with a fire extinguisher.”

A 46-year-old mum in the area also explained that it is not the first time something like this has happened. She said: "We did call the fire brigade two weeks ago on a Sunday as I was walking past and there was some smoke coming out.

"I think it has been broken into before as well."

A 31-year-old dad in the area stated: “I’m not too sure what’s been happening, but I know there’s been some kids causing it. The neighbours have taken some photos and given them to the police.

"There were some on the roof on Sunday.” When asked if it’s always been bad or become worse recently, he added: “I would say it’s been in the last three or four months.”