YouTube sensation Rate My Takeaway names Hornsea fish and chip shop as new 'favourite'

YouTube sensation Rate My Takeaway went to Whiteheads in Hornsea - which has been named UK's best chippy in recent years
YouTube sensation Rate My Takeaway went to Whiteheads in Hornsea - which has been named UK's best chippy in recent years -Credit:YouTube/Rate My Takeaway

With over 700,000 subscribers and 560 videos, YouTube sensation Rate My Takeaway has travelled far and wide indulging on plenty of different takeaways.

Having recently visited 'Hull's cheapest fish and chips', Danny Malin opted to go closer to the coastline to try out the award-winning Whiteheads at Hornsea. In recent years, the chippy has gone down as the UK's best, but does it get the Rate My Takeaway seal of approval?

Ordering fish, chips, sage and onion patties, chicken and mushroom pie and a few sides. In typical Rate My Takeaway fashion, he props up his trusted table and chairs outside while his fish hits the fryer.

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At this moment, he gets to read the pricing which came up to £19.20. "Price-wise, I don't think that's too bad to be honest with you. I think we got a decent bit of food there, [for a] decent bit of money. Like I say, the price of fish and chips these days can push up to 15 quid."

Using the pattie and pie as an amuse-bouche leading up to the haddock and chips, Danny re-introduces his wider audience to the pattie. "It just smells like my Sunday dinner. Nice and crispy batter, oh my god, wow. That is absolutely gorgeous." Before then having a dip of curry sauce, which combined, he says is "fabulous".

Onto the £1.80 chicken pie - Danny compliments the thick and soft pastry and the heavy contents. "This filling, look at that. Some chicken pies, they don't have big lumps of chicken like that. This is a meaty, meaty pie, look at how creamy that is." After having a taster of the mushy peas and gravy, he describes everything as "fantastic" before moving on to his main course.

Danny has certainly taken a taste to East Yorkshire delicacies by putting plenty of chip spice on his food. "That is absolutely gorgeous," Danny says describing the fluffy chips. "You open them up, just proper, fluffy 'tatie."

"You have got the most beautiful, white piece of haddock there. Oh my days, cameraman, look at that. It's soft, full of flavour, but the batter on there is so soft, so delicate, wow," Danny announces after the first forkful of fish.

"This has been voted the UK's number one fish shop. I've done quite a few, I like them when I've got that really strong beef dripping taste, but nah, this is just fish and chips cooked at its best, absolutely bang on. For me, it's a solid ten. I'm going to put this out there, people ask me what's my favourite fish and chip shop is, the one that I did in York always sticks in my mind, but I think this has just pipped it."