Zac Efron's Controversial New Movie

Zac Efron's Controversial New Movie

The Paperboy -- Zac Efron's new movie, co-starring Nicole Kidman, Matthew McConaughey and directed by Precious helmer Lee Daniels -- bowed this week at The Cannes Film Festival and left everyone buzzing. Not just for how divisive its been with critics (some enjoyed its campy sensibilities while others are calling it 2012's Worst), but for one particular scene where Nicole helps Zac out in a slightly X-rated way.

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According to Vulture, who screened the film in France, Zac's character gets stung by a jellyfish at one point and as anyone who has been in his flipflops will tell you, there's only one cure: urine. I'll let Vulture take it from here:

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"Naturally, he is attacked by CG jellyfish. (Only the sixteenth weirdest thing to happen in this movie.) Covered in sting marks, he barely manages to drag himself to shore, and when Kidman is alerted to the attack by some comely girls who surround Efron, she pushes them away, pops a squat, and out comes number-one. And yes, you get a close-up of the stream. This is a movie that often seems to be missing important transitional scenes or specific inserts, but you had better believe that when Nicole Kidman pees on Zac Efron, that camera is there."

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And Zac is keenly aware that this is a film his pre-existing fanbase might not be ready for. "As much as I love everything I've done, this is a new frontier for me," he told reporters. "It's incredibly fulfilling. It's a dream. Hopefully, I can keep doing things like this."

Note to Nicole: stay hydrated.

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