Zara Larsson EXCLUSIVE: I Have ‘My Boo Thang’ But I Like To Leave Him Back Home!

The 18-year-old pop star has opened up about her relationship status in an exclusive interview with Yahoo! Celeb.


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Sorry guys, the Lush Life hitmaker has revealed to us she does have a boyfriend and he lives back home in her native Sweden. But rather than get upset over the distance between them, Zara admitted the time apart suits her just fine because she likes to feel “free” when she’s touring and enjoys being close to him when she returns home.

Zara said: “I’m a pretty free person, I don’t like being super super attached to someone, but you know, I got my boo, I got my boo thang! Yeah, actually it’s pretty nice that I’m away a lot, I wouldn’t want to be with him all the time, it’s like, see you in a few weeks! And then I’m back.”

However, the star never feels lonely on the road because she’s close to her Twitter fans, who says are like her “friends”.


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She said: “I love my fans who follow me and look up to me and listen to my music, and it’s just a great way of communicating with them. I definitely use Twitter as the number one communicating site. I feel like when I’m reading my mentions the majority is definitely positive and I like to keep a positive vide. And they always spell check me! And it’s kind of like we’re friends.”

Meanwhile, Zara - who played the MTV stage at V Festival last weekend, where Cadbury treated music goers to a chocolate themed party in the #ObeyYourMouth house - has completed her debut album but is struggling to name the record.

She confessed: “I have no idea (what it will be called) yet, I think that’s the hardest part, to, I don’t know, have one name for the whole album and the songs. I don’t know yet, I’ll probably go for something simple like a line from a song.”