New Zealand government plan to tax cow and sheep burps faces backlash

New Zealand farmers are resisting government plans to tax the greenhouse gases that farm animals make from burping and peeing in an attempt to curb climate breakdown.

The "world first" farm levy would enable farmers to recover the cost by charging more for climate-friendly products, the government hopes.

"New Zealand's farmers are set to be the first in the world to reduce agricultural emissions, positioning our biggest export market for the competitive advantage that brings in a world increasingly discerning about the provenance of their food," Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said.

All the money collected from the proposed farm levy, which farmers would pay from 2025, would be put back into the industry to fund new technology, research and incentive payments for farmers, Ms Ardern said.

The proposal will provide financial incentives for farmers to use technology that reduces sheep and cow burps.

But farmers have slated the plan, with lobby group Federated Farmers, claiming the plan would "rip the guts out of small town New Zealand" and see farms replaced with trees.

They say increased costs will encourage farmers to turn beef and sheep farms into forestry.

The group's president Andrew Hoggard said farmers had been trying to work with the government for more than two years on an emissions reduction plan that would not decrease food production.

"Our plan was to keep farmers farming," Mr Hoggard said.

Instead, he said farmers would be selling their farms "so fast you won't even hear the dogs barking on the back of the ute (pick-up truck) as they drive off".

Andrew Morrison, chairman of farm lobby group Beef + Lamb New Zealand, said while farmers know they have to do their bit to address climate change, the amount of farm land in forestry needed to be recognised.

New Zealand's farming industry is vital to its economy, with the 10 million beef and dairy cattle and 26 million sheep far outnumbering the country's population of five million people.

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The vast industry makes New Zealand unusual in that about half of its emissions of climate-heating greenhouse gases come from farms, with methane from cattle burps and nitrous oxide from their urine the main culprits.

But more climate change means worse impacts for farmers, the agriculture minister said.

"Farmers are already experiencing the impact of climate change with more regular drought and flooding," Damien O'Connor said.

"Taking the lead on agricultural emissions is both good for the environment and our economy."

The proposal now goes to consultation and will need to be passed into law before being put into force.